All magic comes with a price

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Regina's POV

We were walking towards the bus stop. Then suddenly, a rainbow appeared with a very good looking guy, Robert was besides me. 

"Hey Robert, what's that?" I asked with a confused look 

"Oh, it's an Iris message, the Goddess of Rainbows" he said almost whispering because they were talking. 

"Oh, and who's that?" I asked, he really caught my attention 

"Him? That's Percy Jackson, he's Helen's brother" he answered with a smile 

"Another son of Neptune!" I said a bit loudly, and I think he noticed, because he asked for my name. 

"Who's that?" He asked with a smirky smile. 

"I'm Regina Moore, daughter of Apollo" I said awkwardly 

"Ok then, see ya" he said and vanished away. 

"Well someone's interested in Percy" Helen said with a mischievously smile 

"I'm not!" I said blushed 

"Oh yea, right" She said and continued walking.

* * * 

"Helen deary, I think this is not the way" Octavian said making her mad

I was tired, at first I was scared, nervous and exited, now I'm just tired, Helen and Octavian won't stop fighting, I think Tony liked my attention because he won't stop saying "jokes" which most of 'em aren't funny. 

Robert was quiet, companying Leo. All the years I've known him he'd never been so quiet, as for me, I was observing. 

"Can everybody be quiet!" I screamed 

"Regina!" Octavian exclaimed 

"Octavian! Ok! Helen may be right or wrong, but thanks to Apollo we've got an Harms son--" 

"It's Hermes" Robert corrected 

"Right, as far as I know, he's the God of travelers--" I got interrupted again 

"And liars" Helen said softly and looked at Robert 

"You're right" Tony said with a flirty tone 

"If you're gonna flirt, flirt right" Helen said bothering, I blushed and he was red as a tomato. 

"Ok then" he started 'Oh gods' I thought "Regina--"  

"Dude" Leo said 

"--You look very pretty today" he said 

"Uh thanks" I said confused and with a shy smile 

Robert bursted out laughing "Dude! You didn't saw her yesterday!" And they all laughed, ugh, grown ups.

* * *

I begged Helen not to put me with Tony nor Octavian, nor Leo as partners in the bus, so I was with Helen. 

"Oh Regina!" Helen said out of nothing and took something out of her bag "Here" she said handing me a dagger. 


"Ares, I mean Mars gave it to me" she said with a smile "He said it was for you" 

"Oh, MARS! This is-- this is the dagger!" Helen didn't seem to care "It can't hurt me! Because Mars gave it to ME! To ME!" 

"What?" She said confused 

"Look" I said taking it and hopping it won't hurt me, I cut my finger. 

"It works" I said happy 

"Be careful" Helen said "All magic comes with a price--" 

"You got that from a show" i said 

"Still, we're here" she said standing up.

Daughter of the Seas (Daughter of Poseidon a Percy J. FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now