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Percy's Pov

A week in the camp and Poseidon and Zeus decided to make a little rain to make things more depressing, i was in the door of the cabin at 7, it was a saturday, no one was up, no one was feeling up, i just stared at the rain fall down to the ground, the dead of Piper wasn't easy, Annabeth and i were completely over, no heartbreaks, just friends, she felt sorry for me.

"Hey" Helen said coming to me, with a cup of hot chocolate

"I know it's hard to wake up in the morning for you, but thanks" i said sipping it

"You know Jake is going to Spain for a job he got, he is now free to go, so are you, you are big enough Percy, you can leave this place of memories, i know life hasn't been good to you, you can escape life for some time" she said looking at me

"Helen, i learned something this year, it is not brave to run from your problems, you should face them, and leave them in the past, the problem with me, it's that I'm no good at that" i said smiling

"There you go, now you look hotter" she said with a wink, i really had the best sister

We both laughed, it was better to have her happy than well not.

"Kids" Someone called and we turned, it was dad, Helen run to him and hugged him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"I came to say hi to my kids"

Helen raised an eyebrow and so did i.

"You're not allowed to" Helen said getting apart from him.

"Zeus wants to see you, and the little girl umm, Eloisa and Jason too."

"Why?" I asked

"I don't know, but you have to come"

Helen walked, and she was already dressed, she took my shoulder and the same happened to me,"lets go" she said and dad took us.


"Aren't you nervous?" Said Jason to us

"No" we said i unison

"The Jackson's have something" We laughed.

We got in the Olympus, Zeus was sat down, i smiled at him and so did Helen.

We walk in and got in our knees because Zeus command us.

"Hello, my sons and the sons of the seas i brought you here because you all have helped me in a lot of ways, and i want to reward you, would you like to be forever young?"

"Yes!" Hell stood up and shouted "But if it's not bother, i'd like to be forever 23" she said with a smile

"Are you sure?" She nodded "Alright then, happy birthday, you are now immortal in 23" he said

"I would like too" i said not very sure

"Percy Jackson? The one who denied being a minor god? Now wants to be immortal?"

"The difference is, I'm immortal with my sister."

" Ok then, as you wish, any age?"

"25" I said


"My sons would you?" Zeus said

"Yes" Jason said "24" he said and closed his eyes


"I do too father" she said "21" she said and closed her eyes too

"Thanks to all, i feel very good now, now go live your life" Zeus said at last, so we did.

"Helen!" Jason shouted to her

"What's up?" She said with a smile

"Would you, well, be my girlfriend" When i heard that, i felt jealousy, she was my little sister, and he was taking her away

"Yes!" She said and they kissed "Eloisa wait up" she shouted and ran

"Look Jason, if you break my little sister heart like you did with Piper, i will break your nose" i said very seriously

"Ok" He said scared

"I was expecting like a welcome to the family thing, you know" We laughed

We got to camp and there was a real mess, of a party, Thalia was back.


The quest may be over but hell no the story! Im in love with this


Jason is officially minee

-The Cold Hell

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