Chapter 4: Leave Me Alone

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~Sebastian's P.O.V.~

I got up with quite a bad head ache. Once I got up I noticed that I was in front of (Y/n)'s home. I decided to go inside and saw my young master kissing Lady Elizabeth. I gave him a What the hell are you doing?!?!look.

Then next thing I know Lady Elizabeth falling down the stairs. Then I saw (Y/n) being yelled at by my young master. Then I heard something I thought I would never hear.

"Get out."

Nobody else saw (Y/n)'s black smoke surrounding her except for me and that meant that you do not want to mess with them because with one hit that person could easily kill you.

~Your P.O.V.~

'I'm so sorry Ciel'. "Get out of my house and live somewhere else."

"(Y/n) w-w-why?"

"Just leave dammit.", I said sounding mad which I was but I was also crying inside.

"Ok I'll pack up and leave".

I ran up stairs grabbed my phone and ran to the park with demon speed not stopping at all. 'Why must I be so stupid?!?!' Once I got there and went to the grass and just started crying. 'I don't understand I'm a demon I shouldn't be having feelings for a pewny human'.

"Hello (Y/n)."

"Hi Sebastian."

"I'm sorry for what happened back there.", he said as sitting next to me.

I hugged him and my tears started coming down more.

"Shh it's ok." I stopped and went back to my house and saw that no one was there and saw a note on my table by my couch.

Dear (Y/n),

I am so sorry. I hope that one day you will forgive me. I moved back to my old home. It is far away from you so you won't see me near you unless we are at school. Well I guess I'll see you on Monday.
-Sincerely Ciel

"Finally I'm alone." I ran up to my room and looked at all my photos of Ciel and threw them in the garbage. I then went to change my bed sheets since we did some stuff on it. I decided to clean all of my house since Ciel touched all of it.

[Time skip to Monday]

I woke up and did the normal routine and got dressed into a black t-shirt, gray cardigan, and black high-tops and a black hat. I started running to school with demon speed and sat on my tree. I was about to use my phone when someone grabbed my book bag. When I saw who it was it was that blonde girl.

"Hi Slut!"

"Hello Asshole!"

"Tsk whatever Ciel is mine you li-"

"Hi Elizabeth (Y/n)!", Ciel said my name as he hugged me.

"Let me go Phantomhive."

"(Y/n what's wr-"

"You are. Leave me alone!", and with that I ran to my first period which my teacher is Sebastian.

~Ciel P.O.V.~

'I'm so sorry (Y/n) please somehow forgive me'.

"Don't worry about a prick like her Ciel. I'm here for you and I'll never leave you.", Lizzy said.

"Elizabeth I don't need you."

"W-w-what Ciel why?", then she started crying.

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