Chapter 17: Piano

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Song: Nightmare Night in piano version

~Your P.O.V.~

I was getting ready for this type of old school ball. The theme was blue so I decided to wear a blue dress. (One of the image's up top.) "Are you ready to go?",Ciel asked. "Yup." I was about to walk down stairs when Ciel stopped me. "My lady.",he said sticking out his hand. "Why
thank you, Lord Phantomhive.", I said as I took his hand. "You know what Ciel. I suck at being formal.",I said frowning. "It's ok."

[Time skip to the ball]

"WOW. THIS IS SO PRETTY." "It is. You do know this is my house." "It is?!?! It's so big and pretty." It was true. It was bigger then Alois's mansion. "Remember (Y/n). I told you that I worked for the Queen." "Oh yeah." We walked into Ciel's mansion and I immediately saw Mey-rin. "Bye Ciel. I'm going to go talk to Mey-rin.",I said but then realized that he was already gone. I walked over to Mey-rin and we talked for so long then Finny and Bard joined us and we talked as well. "Can I please have everyone's attention?", then everyone quitted down. "Thank you. I will be playing on the piano. I hope you all enjoy.", Ciel said. "I didn't know the young master could play.", Finny said. He started playing and it sounded beautiful. Once he was done everyone was clapping what they didn't see is that he was sweating most likely because of playing for 4 minutes. "Thank you everyone." He walked away from the piano and towards us. "Ciel that was amazing. I didn't know you can play." "That was so nerve wrecking. Also thank you." "Young master well done!", Sebastian said coming out of no where. "Thanks everyone. I need to go do something important come along Sebastian." "Yes my lord." Then they both walked up stairs.

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