Impossible love Chapter 1

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What else was I suppose to do? I've been abused my entire life I don't need to be raped too! Running as fast as I could away from my father ,who was only a few feet behind me, was easier said then done. Before I ran my father had taken a kitchen knife and sliced my side open. Blood still poured from the wound filling the silent night air with the smell of iron.
He was getting closer I had to do something. Quickly turning down an ally way I continued to run. I immediately regretted it.
"Dead end?! No!" I yelled in fear. I turned quickly and watched as my so called father walked closer, knife in hand. I was trapped like a mouse in a cage, the cage door was wide open and a very hungry cat was poking it's head through.
"Now..... you gonna cooperate little bitch..... or do I turn you into a pin cushion " he said getting closer. I grabbed the closest thing I could. An empty bean can with the lid still on it ,the lid made a ninety degree angle with the top of the can. Holding it out in front of me I scolded myself.
'Really?! A bean can?!' I yelled at myself. My father advanced and I did the only thing I could. I swung the bean can. Luckily the lid was still sharp. The can lid made a clean slice across his chest.
"You bitch!" He yelled grabbing his chest. I took this opportunity to run past him and out of the ally way. I turned the corner and could hear his footsteps chasing me.
"Urgh" I grunted at the pain eminating from my side. I looked ahead and gasped. 'Higurashi shrine!'
As fast as I could I bolted up the stairs ignoring the pain. Getting to the top I glanced back to see him trip and fall down the stairs. 'I gotta hide!'. Looking around frantically I spotted the well house. 'There!'
I ran to the well house and opened the door. Quickly going inside and closing the door I sighed. Suddenly the knife my father cut me with stabbed through the door. I backed up quickly, falling down the stairs that led to the open well.
"I know your in there bitch" he said from the other side of the door. Backing up against the well a thought popped into my head. Standing painfully I looked into the well. It was pitch black at the bottom, the door shuddered violently as my father slammed into it.
Climbing over the lip of the well I looked at the bottom. 'Rather this then him'. I jumped just as the well house door burst open. Dropping into the darkness I closed my eyes. Then..... it happened. Bright purple light blinded me, even with my eyes closed tight.
Then nothing...... the pain faded and my fear and worry melted away. I slipped into darkness as I heard two words.
"Welcome home"

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