Impossible love Chapter 3

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Chapter three part 1 everybody! I hope your liking the story so far please write in the comments if you have Ideas for other stories if you want.
Disclaimer: I do not own inuyasha or any of its characters.
   After what seemed like a couple seconds i woke to the sound of hushed talking and a fire crackling. My body was sore and my side was throbbing. I tried to move but the pain in my side stopped me. The talking stopped and I felt someone kneel next to me.
I opened my eyes and looked up to see a woman with long brown hair in a ponytail. "Oh your awake. Thank goodness, kagome-chan was worried about you" the woman said, she had on what looked like a black jumpsuit and pink armor.
"Ka....go-me?" I tried to talk but my throat was so dry i sounded like a toad. The woman grabbed a small wooden bowl with water in it.
She helped me lift my head and put the edge of the bowl against my lips. Taking a small sip I coughed as my throat stung slightly. She had me take another sip and I sighed as the stinging stopped. "Is that better?" She asked. I nodded softly.
"T-thank you" my voice still sounded weak. The woman smiled and nodded before moving over towards the fire. I looked around seeing a man in, what I thought was, a dress but he had a staff that resembled an ancient monks. He had what looked like a glove on one of his hands and it was wrapped with beads.
"Kagome-sama left to get medicine for you fair lady she shall be back soon" the man said. "My name is miroku and this is the lovely sango"
I sat up slowly ignoring the pain in my side. I held the blanket to my chest noticing I only had bandages wrapped around me. "Where.... am i?" I asked.
"Well you are in lady kaede's hut. Kagome-chan and inuyasha brought you here after finding you at the bottom of the bone eaters well" sango explained.
"Bone eaters.... well?" I asked confused.
"Yes my lady. The bone eaters well is what you were found in. Stories say that if you throw the bones of a demon into the well the bones dissapear. It is also what Kagome-sama uses to get to here from her time" miroku explained suddenly next to me. I looked at him uneasy.
I turned to sango to ask when Kagome might be back when I tensed. "...?!"

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