Impossible love Chapter 4

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Hey guys chapter 4!! I really hope that those who have been reading this like the story im trying my best so pelase dont hate
Disclaimer: i do not own inuyasha
All time seemed to stop as i stared at the man wide eyed. "Im your father talia. Your real father"
"T-thats i-impossible my f-father tried t-to k-kill me!" I said in disbelief.
"No. That man was your step father. Your mother lived here in the feudal era along side the great dog gereral inutaisho. Inutaisho had found your mother pregnant with you in the woods near his home. I had been killed in the war and was unable to protect you and your mother. Your mother and i made a promise that if i died you would be named talia so i could find and protect you from the afterlife" he explained. "When inutaisho died your mother was attacked and forced to jump into the bone eaters well and into kagomes time.
     Talia you are a half demon. I am a dragon demon, your mother was human. You are like inuyasha he is inutaisho's youngest son" he said putting a hand on my shoulder.
I was shocked and confused. "T-this cant b-be real"
"I know its hard to understand my dear but it will all be clear soon. I want you to keep this with you at all times" he pulled out a small blue pendent. "This will keep your half demon side hidden. I will be able to communicate with you through it."
"B-but what do i do?" I asked taking the pendent.
"Stay with kagome and the others. You will find your home soon" he said and turned into mist dissapearing into the necklace. My vison faded and i fell through the world.
When i woke again i was laying on the same mat from before with a little cat thing on my chest looking at me.
"Uh....hi?" I said looking at it. It mewed and rubbed its face against my cheek before jumping off me. I sat up slowly and kagome gasped.
"Talia are you okay? You fai-! Talia.... your face" kagome said shocked.
"What about it?" I asked worried. She pulled out a little hand mirror from her bag and handed it to me. I took it and looked at my reflection. "Wha-?!" I had two blue jagged stripes going from my eye down to my jaw. As i watched my hair slowly turned blue, and my eyes started to resemble a dragons.
"Talia?" Kagome asked. I looked at her and she held out the pendent. "This appeared above you while you were passed out". I took the pendent and put it on. My hair and eyes went back to normal and the marks on my face dissapeared. I sighed shakily.
"Kagome i-im a h-half demon" i said. I watched as kagomes eyes widened. "W-when i passed out m-my father, my.... r-real father......, told me what ha-happened..... to my mother a-and why i was in your time......" i hugged my knees to my chest. "Im.... part dr-dragon demon..... this pendent is.... to h-help me hide my de-demon side"
Kagome nodded and was about to say something when the half demon inuyasha jumped up. He sniffed the air and growled. "What is it inuyasha?" Sango asked. All he replied with was a name laced with anger and hatred.
Hey guys like favorite and comment please. Also go and check out massielmalik story different then the rest and the sequal. Thanks guys. PEACE

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