Impossible love Chapter 16

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Disclaimer: I don't own inuyasha or the song
Talia POV
After seeing sesshomaru's mother watching us I asked daisuke to tell me a little about sesshomaru's past.
He seemed hesitant but decided it would probably be best. He told me about his parents, his father mating with a human and dieing to save her, he told me about how rin came to be his ward which made me extremely sad.
As he talked he showed me around the castle. I had to make sure to remember where everything is.
We came to a garden and I smiled seeing rin and sesshomaru. Rin was picking flowers and sesshomaru was sitting under a tree watching.
"Thank you for showing me around daisuke-san said and bowed to him.
"It was an honor lady talia" he said bowing back. I smiled as he walked away and I turned only to gasp seeing an armor clad chest.
I stepped back and looked up to sesshomaru. "What is your connection to captain tai?" He asked.
I looked at him confused."their is no connection between me and captain tai. After breakfast I asked him if he could show me the training grounds. He did and I asked to spar with him. After that I asked if he could show me around" I replied.
"Hn" he said and turned away. I raised an eyebrow watching him walk inside.
'Is he jealous?' I thought curiously. 'Impossible'. I walked over to rin and played with her. We played for hours until rin got tired.
I picked her up and sat under and tree holding her in my lap. "Can you sing for me?" She asked.
I looked down to her and smiled softly. "Okay rin-chan. What kind of song would you like?"
"Sing a song from your time" she said softly.
"Alright rin-chan." I said softly then began singing.
( )
Rin had fallen asleep breathing softly. I smiled gently and looked up seeing sesshomaru walking towards us.
I stood carefully, holding rin in my arms. "Hello Lord sesshomaru" I said softly as to not wake rin. He nodded in greeting and looked down at rin. He gently placed a hand on her head softly.
My heart warmed at the scene. I looked up at sesshomaru and blushed softly seeing how the moonlight outlined his features. I quickly looked away.
Sesshomaru POV
I saw her look away out of the corner of my eye. I looked at her. Really looked at her. Her hair was pitch black and looked to have silver streaks from the moonlight, her dark blue eyes shown like Sapphires behind her glasses, (Can't remember eyes color lol) her pale skin was paler almost sickly but it made her look beautiful.
'Beautiful? Did I just think that?' Sesshomaru thought.
'YES YOU DID' my inner demon chuckled.
"Come, this sesshomaru will show you to rins and your rooms" I said and turned walking back inside. I heard her follow and internally sighed.
'HEHE' my inner demon chuckled.
I ignored it and led her to rin's room. I watched as she laid rin to rest.
I ignored it again and waited for her outside the door. She walked out closing the door softly before looking to me. I didn't say anything as I walked past her leading her down the hall.
Talia POV
I watched his back as he walked. The fluffy thing of his shoulder swaying side to side with each step. I had the urge to reach out and touch it but I knew I shouldn't.
We stopped in front of a large wood door. "This is your room. While we are here each morning rin will get you for breakfast, then we will train until lunch, after you will watch after rin until dinner" he said.
I nodded and bowed. "Thank you Lord sesshomaru" I said. He nodded and turned walking away. "Goodnight my lord" I said softly, knowing he heard it, and walked inside my room.
I was a large bedroom with a kind sized canopy bed, a dresser, a desk with a chair, and a balcony over looking the garden. I changed into a sleeping yukata and climbed into the large bed.
I stared at the wall thinking about everything that happened.
' first my fake father tries to kill me....again, then I'm thrown back in time to feudal japan, I meet my real father and find out I'm a half demon, and now I'm traveling/ the apprentice of the cold hearted demon lord sesshomaru, and naraku is after me, this is just dandy' I thought sarcastically. I laid on my back and sighed. Suddenly the image of me curled up against sesshomaru popped into my head and I blushed. 'Why am I blushing? It's not like I like him or something'. I blushed harder and sighed pulling the blanket closer.
I closed my eyes but all I could see was him. Without knowing I drifted off into a peaceful sleep. Dreaming of a certain demon lord.

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