Impossible love Chapter 15

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Disclaimer: I do not own inuyasha
Picture above is daisuke
Talia POV
When I woke I was laying in a large unfamiliar bed. I sat up and looked around confused and worried. Suddenly the door burst open and rin ran in jumping up on the bed.
"Talia!" She yelled tackling me in a hug. I gasped and hugged her back. "I missed you so much!"
"I missed you too rin-chan" I said then looked at her. "Where are we?"
"Were in Lord sesshomaru's castle" she said grinning happily. "Were in the healers right now cause sesshomaru said you were exhagested"
I giggled at her mess up. "Exhausted" I corrected. She nodded smiling then jumped off the bed. She ran over to what looked like a dresser and pulled out a change of clothes.
"Come on Lord sesshomaru wants you to come to breakfast " she said running over and grabbed my hand pulling me. I chuckled and got out of bed. A thought came to my head and I looked to rin.
"Rin-chan? Is there anywhere I can bathe?" I asked. She smiled and nodded handing me the clothes. She grabbed my hand and dragged me over to a different door. She opened it showing an indoor hot springs. I looked at it amazed.
Rin pushed me forward gently before leaving the room and closing the door. I undressed and bathed quickly.
I winced as pain throbbed in my leg. I looked and saw a stab wound in my leg. 'When did I get that?' I thought confused. I got out of the hot spring and looked around. I saw some clean bandages and quickly wrapped my leg before getting dressed in the clothes rin chose. ( )
Stepping into the healers room again I looked around for rin. She was sitting on the bed waiting. When she saw me she grinned and jumped off the bed running over to me.
She grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the room and down a long hall. We came to a set of large doors with guards in front of them. Once they saw us they opened the doors showing a late dining room with a long table inside.
Sesshomaru sat inside talking to a woman with long white hair. Once we entered the room their conversation stopped and they turned to look at us. The woman looked very similar to sesshomaru.
Being polite I bowed to them before rin pulled me over to the table. She took a seat next to sesshomaru and I sat next to her.
"Sesshomaru dear who is this young ningen?" The woman asked. I bit my tongue to keep myself from correcting her.
"This is my apprentice. She is not a ningen" he said almost bored. The woman looked at me again.
"Oh? Then what are you?" She asked me. I looked to sesshomaru asking permission to speak. He simple nodded and I looked at te woman again.
"I am a hanyou ma'am" I said.
"A hanyou? You don't look like one" she said.
" I have my demon side covered" I replied. She made a motion as if saying 'show me'. Slowly I let my demon side show. My hair turned blue and the stripes under my eyes appeared. The woman nodded and I hid them again.
"You must be very special for my son to take you in as your apprentice" she said and my eyes widened slightly.
'Son?!' I thought shocked. 'This is sesshomaru's mother?!'
"I'm guessing from your expression he hasn't told you about me" she said pouting and looked at sesshomaru. I stayed silent watching them.
"This sesshomaru's family is no concern to her" he said coldly. I looked down at my lap as he said that. His mother looked to me confused but I could only think about what naraku had made me foolishly believe.
After breakfast I excused myself and left. As I walked I sighed realizing I had no clue where I was going. I looked ahead and saw a guard walking towards me.
"Excuse me sir?" I asked. He looked at me questioningly. "Um I was wondering if there was a training ground?"
"Yes there is would you like for me to lead you there?" He asked smiling. He seemed really freindly.
"Oh I think I can find it. I have to find my weapons first" I said and his eyes widened slightly.
"Your lady talia" he said and bowed. "Forgive my rudeness" he said.
"What do you mean?" I asked confused. "And please don't call me lady talia, just talia"
"Lord sesshomaru ordered us to treat you with respect" he said. I frowned and sighed. "Would you like me to lead you to your weapons?"
"Yes, please" I said smiling softly. "What's your name?"
"Daisuke" he said as he led me back down the hall.
"It's nice to meet you daisuke" I said. He smiled softly.
"It's nice to meet you too lady talia" he said. I frowned at the 'lady' part but brushed it off.
We reached a room full of weapons with a man polishing an axe. Daisuke stepped forward and asked the man for my swords. Once he retrieved them and handed them to me, daisuke led me to a very large room full of guards sparing.
Once we entered most stopped to look at us confused. I guessed I ddnt really look like a fighter dressed the way I was. Daisuke went to leave but I stopped him.
"Can you spar with me?" I asked. He smiled and nodded. We walked over to an area not being used and he drew his sword.
I got into position and nodded saying I was ready. He nodded and we sprinted forward clashing swords.
Inukimi POV
I left my sons study to allow him to work. I was thinking about that girl he said was his apprentice. I didn't exactly get her name and he wouldn't tell me.
I sighed then stopped hearing cheering? I followed the sound to the training room. The guards were watching Daisuke, the captain of the guard, and the girl sparing. Both their weapons were thrown on the ground as they fought hand to hand combat.
It was obvious daisuke was more skilled but it was impressive that she was able to disarm him and able to fight him this long.
Judging by the cheers they have been fighting for a while. I watched as Daisuke aimed a kick at her head. She bent backwards putting her hands on the ground and kicked upwards hitting him in the jaw.
She landed on her feet and jumped backwards dodging a punch. Suddenly a second daisuke was behind her and her eyes widened. I watched as the second daisuke grabbed the girl and pinned her to the ground with a sword to her neck.
The girl frowned and sighed. She saw me and her eyes widened. Turning I left the training area heading back towards my sons study.

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