Impossible love Chapter 23

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Disclaimer: I do not own inuyasha
The ball continued on late into the night. Talia had excused herself from sesshomaru's side to go tuck rin into bed. As soon as she left many of the lords and ladies swarmed sesshomaru asking questions.
"Lord sesshomaru where did you find such a girl?" A lord asked.
"She was severely injured by a man she thought was her real father. Hayato contacted this sesshomaru and asked if this sesshomaru would train her" he explained leaving some details out.
"So you agreed to help her? Even though she is a hanyou?" A lady asked. Sesshomaru nodded.
"How is her fighting ability?" Another Lord asked.
"She is powerful. Enough to come very close to beating this sesshomaru's captain" he said.
"You've trained her well" the second Lord said. Sesshomaru nodded looking to the doors.
"Lord sesshomaru, if I may ask. Do you plan to mate her?" The same lady asked. Sesshomaru looked to her with an icy glare.
"Explain" he said.
"Forgive me my lord, but lady sakura had told all of us that you will not dance though it is tradition to dance with each lady to be courted" she said. "When lady talia appeared many lords and lady's sensed a change in the air. You seemed to be in a daze the entire time you danced with her. Forgive me if I made wrong assumptions" she bowed. Sesshomaru nodded and looked to the doors as talia entered again.
She looked around the room and smiled seeing him. The lords and lady's watched as he visibly relaxed. "Excuse me" he said and bowed before making his way over to talia.
"He's in love" the lady whispered dreamily. The lords nodded chuckling.
Sesshomaru stopped in front of talia. "Will you accompany this sesshomaru to the gardens?" He asked offering his arm. She smiled held his arm.
"It would be an honor" she smiled blushing softly. He nodded and led her out of the ballroom and to the gardens. They walked in silence through the torch lit gardens enjoying the scenery.
'You need to tell him talia. He needs to know' She thought.
"Lord sesshomaru...." she said quietly, stopping. He stopped as well and turned towards her. "There's something I need to tell you.... since the day you got rid of my scars I've felt strange about you..... I feel nervous around you and scared when you battle..... I was jealous when lady sakura made this ball for you to find a mate....... I guess what I'm trying to say is..... sesshomaru i..... I l-"
"Lord sesshomaru!!" A bunch of girls squealed and ran over pushing talia out of the way. Talia stumbled back almost loosing her balance.
"Aww look at the stupid little hanyou" one girl said. "Trying to win our sesshomaru. Run along servant girl, sesshomaru hates humans and hanyou's"
Sesshomaru growled at them but they didn't care and went back to swooning him. "You will remove yourself from this sesshomaru's person or you will die where you stand"
The girls immediately backed up in fear. Sesshomaru looked around for talia but she was no where to be found.
Talia POV
'They're right what was I thinking' I thought running back to my room. 'This is sesshomaru he's known for hating humans and hanyou's '
Quickly changing into better clothes and washing the make-up off, I grabbed my swords and quickly wrote down a note.
'I have to leave.... I can't stay here' tears streamed down my face as I set the note on the bed. Saying goodbye to everything I knew here, I climbed out the window and hid my scent and aura.
I sprinted fast leaving my daughter, my father, and the one I loved behind. 'I hope you find someone you love sesshomaru'
Sesshomaru POV
I walked to talia's room and knocked on the door. There was no answer so I knocked again. Still none. Confused, I carefully opened the door and looked inside to see if she was asleep.
When I saw no one in there I became worried and entered the room.
"Talia?" I called looking around. Her swords and armor was missing, her window was wide open, and the yukata that she wore was laid neatly on the bed with a paper on it. I walked over and picked it up reading it.
'Lord sesshomaru,
Those demoness's were right. I'm just a stupid little hanyou. I'm sorry to have caused you trouble. Please tell rin her mommy loves her and my father that I'm sorry. But mostly I'm sorry I couldn't tell you this in person. I love you sesshomaru and I always will... I know you don't feel the same so I wish that you find a demoness to love. This is my final goodbye.
I read over the note again and again. She.... she loved me, and I made her leave. It was my fault.
'She knows better..... she won't be found if she does not want to be...' I thought and stared out the window. Raising a hand I touched my cheek feeling the dampness. 'I will only shed tears for the ones I love... I love you talia and I will never cease searching for you'

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