Impossible love Chapter 5

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Disclaimer: i do not own the anime inuyasha
Kagome nodded and was about to say something when the half demon inuyasha jumped up. He sniffed the air and growled. "What is it inuyasha?" Sango asked. All he replied with was a name laced with anger and hatred.
Inuyasha, sango, miroku and kilala ran out of the hut. Kagome grabbed a bow and a quiver of arrows. "Shippo stay here with talia" she said and ran out.
I sat there listening to the sounds of yelling and metal clashing. I looked around for my clothes and found them folded in a corner. Shippo covered his eyes as I stood and got dressed. He opened his eyes in time to see me heading for the huts entrence.
"W-wait! You cant go out there!" Shippo said frantically but I was already outside. Ignoreing my stinging side I jogged towards the sound of clashing metal. I came to a clearing and saw the one I assumed to be inuyasha and another man.
He had long silver hair much like inuyashas but longer, he wore white hakama's (pants) and a yukata (shirt), he had armor on his chest and back with a yellow and purple obi, he also had a large fluffy thing hanging on his shoulder. I couldn't see his face very well for he was moving to quickly.
"Talia watch out!" Kagome yelled from the other side of the clearing. The man turned and I froze finally seeing his face. Inuyasha stopped in his attacks realizing how close they were to me.
"Get out of here!" Inuyasha yelled at me but I didnt move. The mans golden stare kept me locked in place. Without moving my eyes from his I studied his facial features. His silver bangs came down just above his eyes, they parted in the middle to show a blue cresent moon adorning his forehead, two magenta stripes graced both of his cheeks, pointed ears stood out noticibly from his hair.
"Ningen" he spoke. His voice was smooth and deep. "Why does your scent smell of that human woman?"
"H-huh?" I said confused.
'He is talking of your mother talia' my father said in my head. 'When your mother lived with inutaisho she also lived with his first born son sesshomaru. He is the demon standing in front of you'
'So he knew my mother? W-what do i say?' I asked him.
'Tell him she was your mother'
"S-she was my mother" i said to the demon now known as sesshomaru.
"Do not lie to this sesshomaru human" he said, his tone and exspression showing no emotion. "That woman lived hundreds of years ago. A human like you could not have lived that long"
'D-dad what do i do now?' I asked nervously.
'Touch the amulet i can comunicate with him through you' my father replied. I reached up and grabbed the amulet around my neck. My conciousness moved back and i felt my father take over.
"Lord sesshomaru son of the great dog general inu no taisho" he said through me. "I am hayato mate to the woman you speak of. This girl truly is her daughter. She is the baby that was welcomed into your home before the tragic death of your father. I am this girls father. She is a half demon much like inuyasha but she cant show it until she knows to fight. I ask you this, lord sesshomaru, from beyond the grave will you teach my daughter?"
'Dad what are you doing?!' I yelled at him.
"Hayato. Your mate had told many stories of your bravery and death. Talia was the name your mate gave the child, am i correct?" Sesshomaru asked.
"Yes" hayato said nodding my head.
"Though it is against this sesshomaru's wishes, this sesshomaru will train talia." Sesshomaru said. Inuyasha and the rest of them all, including me in my head, yelled at the same time.
Hayato bowed. "Thank you lord sesshomaru" he said and pulled back from my mind. I suddenly slammed back into conciousness and started chokeing. I fell to my knees coughing and holding my throat. When i was able to breath I looked up at sesshomaru slowly and passed out.

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