Impossible love Chapter 3: part 2

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Second part here you go!
Disclaimer: I do not own inuyasha
I sat there glaring at the unconcious miroku, his hand lying an inch away from my butt. "Wow you hit hard" sango said. "I like you already"
I smiled sheepishly and scooted away from miroku. Just then Kagome walked in holding a small first aid kit, but what shocked me was the small boy with a fox tail on her shoulder.
"Oh talia your awake. That's great" Kagome said and stepped over miroku like it was normal seeing him unconcious. She kneeled next to me just as another figure entered the hut. Long silver hair, dog ears, and golden eyes, that seemed to burn, stared at me.
Images flashed through my mind of a man dressed in white and armor. He had long silver hair and a large puffy thing on his shoulder. His face was blurry, I couldn't see who he was.
I gasped as the images stopped and I fell back. My head bounced off the wooden floor as pain racked my body. My vision started to tunnel and I could feel myself slipping into darkness again.
I shut my eyes tightly and kagome screamed my name. Suddenly all was quiet and the pain was gone.
"Open your eyes my child"
Listening to the voice, I slowly opened my eyes and looked around shocked. I wasn't in the hut with the others anymore. Instead I was in the middle of a meadow.
"Welcome home"
My eyes widened and I turned quickly. 'That voice!' Standing behind me was a man dressed in black. His dark blue hair was down to his knees and he had violet eyes that stared at me with sadness and.... love?
"W-what are you?" I cursed myself for stuttering. The man smiled sadly.
"I understand that you won't believe me but now is the time for you to know who you really are Talia" he said.
"How do you know my name?" I asked.
"I'm the one who gave it to you" he said.

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