Impossible love Chapter 2

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(Sup guys kasey_zahhak here. This the second Chapter of my first published fanfiction so please no hate. Hope you guys like it!)

Disclaimer: I do not own inuyasha or any of its characters
'W-where am i?....... why can't I move?' These thoughts filled my head as I laid on the cold soggy earth. I could feel light taps on my face and knew that it must be raining.
Still unable to move I listened to the rain. That is until I heard yelling.
"Kagome what are you doing?! Your gonna catch a fucking cold!" An angry male voice yelled.
'I.... know that name....' I thought and tried to open my eyes but they wouldn't even twitch.
"I sensed something inuyasha!" A somewhat squeaky female voice replied. I heard splashing footsteps and and shocked gasp. "Inuyasha there's someone down here!"
"What?" More splashing foot steps were heard. There was a sudden splash next to me followed by a spray of water. The person shook my shoulder and I suddenly could move again.
I opened my eyes weakly and stared up at the blurry silver and red figure. "Inuyasha?..... I-is she...?"
"No" he called up. I closed my eyes weakly and slipped back into the darkness.
Third person POV
Inuyasha picked her up and jumped out of the well. He landed next to Kagome with a soft thud. Kagome gasped seeing her and looked at the well. "I know her inuyasha..... she use to go to my school. I think her name was talia". She looked back at talia and noticed her wound. "She's hurt!".
Kagome checked the wound. "We'll have to see lady kaede". With that they took off back towards the village of Edo(?) carrying the unconcious talia.
This is just fantastic

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