Impossible love Chapter 10

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It's been a couple days since the incident with sesshomaru. I hadn't spoke to him since. Still too confused on why he had gotten rid of my scars. Each night I would train in the forest alone or just take a walk.
We had run into another demon wanting my blood along the way. Unfortunately it had broken my sword so now I was without a weapon.
Stopping for the night I sighed helping rin make a fire. Sesshomaru wandered off saying he would be back. Jaken was complaining having to watch two "pathetic" humans.
Once the fire was made rin curled up against my side to sleep. Jaken was stareing at the fire almost pouting. A-un was curled around me and rin to protect us, and I was leaning against a-un's side.
I waited till rin and jaken we're asleep before standing up careful not wake rin. A-un knew I like to take walks so he didn't stop me. I walked into the forest folding my arms across my abdomen.
I re-played the scene from a couple days ago in my head over and over. I soon zoned out and lost track of time.
Suddenly I heard loud cheering and I ducked behind a tree. I had accidently found my way to a bandit camp. Quietly I tried to walk away when two hands grabbed my arms and dragged me out of the trees.
"Lookie here boss!" One of the men holding me laughed drunkenly. I kept my composure calm and emotionless like sesshomaru had taught me. "Caught her spying on us, ain't she a beauty!"
They shoved me forward and I stumbled a little. Regaining my balance I stood tall looking to the leader. He had long lavender hair tied at the top of his head, brown eyes, a scruffy beard, and a wrinkly face. I held back my look of disgust.
"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" The leader chuckled standing up. He walked closer to me and grabbed my chin roughly.
"Remove your filthy hands from my person bandit" I growled glareing at him. The leader glared and back handed me. My head snapped to the side and my eyes widened.
"Punish her" the leader said grinning evily. I glared at him before the two guys from before forced me to my knees. I struggled as they tried to tie my hands together. The first man hit me in the back of the head with a rock making my vision blur.
They tied my hands together tightly. I sat there with my hands tied and my head hanging. Slowly I let my demon side emerge.
The leader ignored it and grabbed a whip walking behind me. "This will teach you to disobey your new master" he growled raising the whip.
Suddenly I broke the rope and spun around on my knee grabbing the whip as it cam down to hit me. I ripped the whip from his hand making him gasp and stumble back. I stood and flexed my claws.
(I'm not good at fight scenes so I'm gonna skip this part)
I stood panting looking at six dead bodies. One of them being the leader, two were the guys that grabbed me and the other three were to stupid to run like the others.
I was covered in blood and needed to wash off. I looked around and saw twin swords on the ground. Grabbing them, I  started walking away from the scene.
Quickly bathing in a nearby stream, I walked back to camp. Walking into camp I saw sesshomaru sitting against a tree with his eyes closed. Smiling softly I sat back down against a-un and picked up rin holding her on my lap.
I closed my eyes and drifted into a peaceful sleep unknown of the golden eyes watching me from across the fire.

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