Impossible love Chapter 7

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disclaimer: I do not own inuyasha
The next morning talia was woken by rin saying they were leaving. She was currently walking at the back of the group behind a-un. She was looking down with her arms crossed over her abdomen.
Her wound still wasn't healed and it was irritating her. Stopping for a second she lifted her shirt enough to see fresh blood stained bandages.
"Talia-chan?" Rin asked. Talia quickly pulled her shirt down and looked up smiling.
"Yes rin-chan?" She asked kindly.
"Are you okay? You look tired" she said frowning. Talia silently cursed and smiled.
"I'm fine rin" she said still walking behind a-un. They came to a clearing and walked to the center. Suddenly a large demon came out of the ground in front of them. It was a large dragon demon. It's scales were pitch black and seemed to be covered in black goo. It's fangs glistened with blood in the sun light.
"BLOOD!!! I SMELL HER BLOOD!!!" The demon roared causing talia, jaken and rin to cover their ears. Sesshomaru looked to the demon. The demon looked down at them with blood red eyes.
"Move out of our way" Sesshomaru said. The demon growled and looked to talia.
"YOU" it said. "I SMELL YOUR BLOOD!! GIVE IT TO ME!!!". It flew at talia jaw open wide ready to eat her alive.
Talia screamed and jumped out of the way. She gasped tumbling over a rock making her wound bleed more. The demon roared at the smell and shot towards her. She screamed and raised her hand out in front of her. She waited for her death but it didn't come. Opening her eyes she looked and saw sesshomaru standing in front of her, arm out to the side. The dragon demon laid dead at his feet.
'Did..... did he just save me?' She thought shocked. Rin ran over and jumped on talia hugging her tight. She hugged the small girl biteing her lip in pain.
She set the girl down and lifted her shirt. Blood gushed from underneath the bandages. "Lord sesshomaru! Talia's hurt!" Rin yelled in fear. Sesshomaru turned and saw the large amount of blood.
"Rin stay with a-un and jaken" Sesshomaru said quickly picking talia up. Her vision was starting to fade as he took off into the air heading towards the closest village. Her head lay limply over his arm.
Sesshomaru landed in a village and commanded them to bring a healer. A woman in priestess robes appeared just as talia lost conciousness.
(Week later, POV change)
I woke slowly to blinding light shinning through my eyelids. 'Am i in a hospital?' I thought. Opening my eyes slightly I blinked at the light. Once my eyes adjusted I realized I was in a wooden room and sun light was shinning through a doorway.
"Talia-chan! Your awake! Master jaken she's awake!!" A little girls voice yelled. I looked to my side and I was met with a familiar face.
"Rin?" I asked and coughed. My throat was so dry. A woman with black hair came into view with a small wooden bowl.
"Here drink some water" she said helping me lift my head. After taking a couple sips of water I sighed.
"Where am i? Who are you?" I asked looking to the woman.
"You are in the village of shan wen. And I am kikyo" the woman said. "Lord sesshomaru brought you here after your wound opened and got bigger. You've been asleep for a week"
"Huh?" I asked shocked. 'A whole week?'
"You lost too much blood by the time you got here, you were lucky to be part demon" kikyo said.
"How did you know that?" I asked catiously.
"Lord sesshomaru told me" she said. Rin nodded telling her it was true.
"After he came and got us lady kikyo said you wouldn't make it with how much blood you lost, Lord sesshomaru said "a half demon like her will survive"" Rin said trying to mimic Lord sesshomaru's voice. I chuckled at that and rin grinned.
Kikyo smiled lightly and stood up. "I shall go collect some herbs, would you like to join me rin?" She asked. Rin looked to as if asking permission and I smiled nodding. Rin grinned and jumped up taking kikyo's hand. They left the hut and I sighed closing my eyes.
I heard someone enter the hut a couple minutes later and I looked to see sesshomaru standing there. He walked over and sat against the wall next to me.
"Lord sesshomaru I'm sorry for any trouble I've caused. And thank you far saving me twice" I said stareing at the ceiling.
"Hn" was all he said. I smiled lightly and sighed trying to sit up. Gasping I laid back down holding my side. A thought came to mind and I looked to sesshomaru.
"Lord sesshomaru, that demon.... why did he want my blood so bad? It's like he didn't notice anyone else except me" i said slowly looking to the ceiling. Sesshomaru didn't say anything. "Am i..... am i putting everyone in danger?....."

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