Impossible love Chapter 24

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Disclaimer: I do not own inuyasha
It was a week after talia had left the palace, and everyone she loved. She had cried each night after she left feeling nothing but heartbreak.
She was currently sitting in a cave waiting for the rain to stop pouring. She had her knees pulled up to her chest and her head low.
"Inuyasha look there's a cave!" A girl yelled making talia's head snap up. Four figures ran into the cave and stopped seeing her. "Talia!!" Kagome yelled and ran over to her.
"Kagome?!" Talia gasped and hugged her friend.
"Oh my kami! I've been so worried about you!" Kagome said. Talia chuckled lightly.
"Yeah, sorry about that" she said.
"Why aren't you with that cold hearted bastard?" Inuyasha asked. Her heart dropped and she looked to him.
"He can't find me. Please if you see him tell him I went home tell him anything but please don't let him find me" she pleaded. They watched her with wide eyes.
"Talia, what did he do to you?" Kagome asked. Talia sat back and smiled to her sadly.
"He made me love him"
Talia POV
I made a deal with Kagome that each full moon we would meet so I could get supplies that I needed from her time.
The next morning I separated from the others and continued on my lonely journey. I thought of returning but couldn't stand the feeling of heartbreak knowing sesshomaru wouldn't love me back.
Time skip
A year had gone by since I saw sesshomaru, rin, and my father. It was coming close to the final battle between naraku and us. I wasn't going to sit back and watch my friends fight this bastard. Besides I had my own bone to pick with him.
I traveled under cover of darkness to the meeting place with kagome. When I got close I heard voices. Hideing my scent and aura I quietly hid behind a tree and listened. Kagome was suppose to be alone.
"Why are you here sesshomaru?" Kagome asked making my heart stop.
"This sesshomaru wishes to join forces in the battle against naraku" he said.
'God I missed his voice....' I thought then mentally slapped myself.
"It would be an honor Lord sesshomaru but I don't know how inuyasha will react" she said.
"He will have to deal with it. This is no time to fight against eachother" he said.
"Right" she agreed.
"This sesshomaru will return in a week's time." He said before turning and walking away. I waited a few minutes before standing and moving into the small clearing.
"Kagome?" I whispered just in case he was still near.
"Talia here take these you need to leave quickly" she whispered just as quiet. I nodded and took the backpack and hand bag she gave me.
"Thank you so much kagome" I whispered.
"Your welcome now go" she whispered making a shoeing motion. I didn't waste time and took off in the direction I came.
'Why did he have to appear now?! Why sesshomaru!? Why do you plague me?!'
Sesshomaru POV
She was there. She was there hideing outside the clearing. I should have ran after her. I should have stopped her and told her the truth, but I cant. Not so close to the eve of battle. After everything is done. After that bastard is dead. I will find her and bring her home.
I continued walking back to where I left the others. Everything had changed in the first few months talia left. Rin refused to eat, go out, do anything really. Except sit in talia's old room and mope. Hayato turned mute and only talked when their was a report from the guards. I had assigned him as a guard since he asked for something to do. Jaken was his normal self, but a-un seemed to walk slower and always had their heads down.
Talia had, had an impact on us all, except jaken. I walked into the clearing and saw rin playing with something that looked familiar.
"Rin, what is that in your hands?" I asked walking over to her. She looked up and gave a sad smile.
"It's mommy's glasses. She gave them to rin saying she didn't need them any more" Rin said. Her eyes filled with tears and I kneeled down. I picked her up and held her close. "I miss her daddy" she cried.
'I miss her too rin' I thought rubbing the sobbing girls back.

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