Impossible love Chapter 26

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Disclaimer: I do not own inuyasha

Sorry if this chapter sucks
     The group entered the center of the giant spider and found naraku holding an unconcious talia floating inside a barrier.
      "Talia!" Kagome yelled.
       "Mommy!!" Rin screamed.
     Naraku laughed at their reactions. "Your to late, I have the full jewel and now I have your beloved friend and lover. Am I right sesshomaru-sama?" He mocked.
       Everyone looked to see sesshomaru glareing at naraku his face twisted in anger. "Let. her. go. naraku"
        Naraku laughed. "I dont think so" he said. "You all care for her. Once I'm a full demon she will be the first to die"
      "Naraku!!" Inuyasha yelled drawing tetsuaiga and raised it above his head. "Wind scar!!"
       Naraku laughed as it hit the barrier but nothing happened. "Your pathetic wind scar won't work on me anymore and neither will your purifying arrows" he said and held up the full shikon jewel. "Now it's time to end this" he said and abaorbed the jewel.
Talia POV
      'Wake up young one' a deep voice said.
     'Huh?' Opening my eyes I blinked at the sudden light. Once my eyes adjusted I realized I was in a large clearing.
      "Where am i?" I asked myself not noticing the two figures watching me.
      "You are in the land of the spirits" a female voice said. Turning quickly my eyes widened seeing a priestess in armor and a dog demon that I've seen on paintings in sesshomaru's castle.
      "W-who are y-you?" I asked shocked.
   "I am the Inu No Taisho. Sesshomaru and inuyasha's father" the man said.
      "And I am Midoriko, creator of the shikon jewel and..." she paused. "Your grandmother".
      "What?!" I yelled shocked. "How is that possible?!" Inutaisho smirked at the reaction.
       "Your mother was my daughter. Sadly I had died when she was only two" she said sadly. "But that is not the reason we are here"
      "Naraku is indestructible to the miko's arrows and my son's attacks. The only way to destroy him is you." Inutaisho said.
      "Me?" I asked confused. They nodded.
      "You are a dragon miko, talia, half dragon demon half miko that is why your blood is so precious. To destroy naraku it will take the three of us and the shikon jewel" Midoriko said.
      "But he has it" I said.
      "Yes, because of your half blood we will be able to channel energy through you to the jewel" Inutaisho said. "But... the concequences could be challenging. By channeling the energy through you either half could be overpowered and burned out which means..."
      "Which means you will either become full miko, or full demon" Midoriko finished.
      "I dont care! If it will save everyone I'll do it!" I said quickly. They both smiled knowingly.
      They moved closer and stood infront of me. "Are you ready?" Midoriko asked. I nodded determined to save my friends and family.
      I watched as Inutaisho's features sharpened. His eyes turned blood red and his fangs grew large. Midoriko's eyes turned white and she was surrounded by a white aura. A blue aura surrounded Inutaisho and they placed one hand on my cheeks.
   My eyes widened as I felt energy flow and clash inside me. One of my eyes changed pure white, while the other changed bright red.
     Everyone watched in horror as naraku transformed into a full demon. He laughed darkly and raised talia into the air ready to kill her.
      Suddenly he screamed in pain and dropped her. Everyone gasped as talia rose into the air on pure white dragon wings. Her eyes glowed red and white as she faced naraku.
       "What are you?!" Naraku screamed.
       "Your death" Talia spoke but three voices came through. Sesshomaru could clearly distinguish his father's voice and was shocked even more.
       Talia raised her hand in front her. Energy gathered in her hand in the form of a ball. Naraku threw up a barrier but gasped in pain seeing the tentacles that were previously holding her were disintegrating.
     "There is no escape naraku. Our powers are too strong for a mere demon to survive." She said.
     "Who are you?" He growled angrily.
      "I am talia. Granddaughter to the great priestess Midoriko. Creator of the shikon jewel. And now destroyer of the demon naraku" she said and the energy ball shot forward.
    It broke straight through the barrier and struck naraku in the chest right where the jewel was. Naraku screamed as he started to disintegrate.
     The large mass around them started to shake and fall apart. Sesshomaru went to grab talia but was stopped by the collapsing of naraku's body.
      Sango, miroku and shippo jumped on the back of kilala, Kagome got on inuyasha's back and rin climbed onto a-un. The group quickly fled the dying body of naraku.
     They got a good distance away  and watched as the large spider crashed into the ground in a cloud of miasma. Sesshomaru looked around but talia was no where to be found. She had stayed behind to make sure naraku was dead.
      "Daddy?....I-is mommy d-dead?" Rin cried. Everyone watched as sesshomaru looked to rin. He wasn't sure himself. He looked away unable to answer her.
      Rin cried for the loss of her mother figure. That was, until shippo suddenly yelled out. "Look!" He pointed in the direction of the disintegrated spider.
    Talia was limping towards them out of the smoke. "Talia!" Kagome, sango, hayato and shippo yelled running forward.
      "Mommy!" Rin ran after them. Talia raised her head and grinned. Kagome and sango glomped her in a hug. Talia hugged them back tight. She let go and hugged shippo and her father before being knocked to the ground by rin.
        "Rin! I'm so sorry for leaving" Talia said starting to cry hugging rin.
       "I dont care your here now!" Rin sobbed hugging her tight. Miroku and inuyasha walked to them. Talia got off the ground still holding rin and gave each of them a hug. She was surprised miroku didn't try to grope her but smiled anyway.
      That's when she saw him. The one she had run away from, the one she loved. Sesshomaru walked towards her. Talia set rin down and walked towards him. When they were a couple feet apart they stopped.
      "Lord sessomaru, I am sorry for leaving the castle without telling you it wasn't right of me" she said and bowed her head.
Sesshomaru POV
       I watched her bow her head. The woman I had been searching for ever since she left was now standing in front of me.
      I couldn't take it any longer. Using my demon speed I closed the gap in less then a second. I grabbed her chin gently and raised her head to look at me. Her eyes widened and I pressed my lips to hers. I didn't care who saw. I just wanted her and only her.
Talia POV
      My cheeks flushed dark red. He was kissing me. Sesshomaru, Lord of the western lands and hater of humans and hanyou's, was kissing me!
     All thought shut down and I felt myself slipping into nothingness. All I felt was sesshomaru, all I could hear was sesshomaru.
      I wrapped my arms around his neck tangling my hands into his silky hair. We kissed until we had to break away for air. Looking up into his eyes I blushed seeing nothing but love.
      "Sesshomaru?..." I asked softly. My heart stopped watching his lips form a small smile.
       "I love you talia.... I only realized the day you left us. When I did I searched for you everywhere" he admitted. My eyes widened and filled with tears.
        "I love you too sesshomaru, I promise never to leave again" I cried against his chest. He held me close only letting go for a second when rin ran over. He picked her up and held both of us close.
       "Now rin has her mommy and daddy!" Rin said happily. I grinned and kissed her forehead. The others walked over.
       "So it is possible for Lord fluffy to love" Inuyasha said smirking.
       "Little brother I have told you to stop calling me that" Sesshomaru said glareing at him. Inuyasha just grinned. I giggled at the name.
     'I'm home' I thought softly.

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