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Dedicated to vanilarry for making the beautiful cover!!! Thank you so much for it :)

Oh and btw I'm American so i don't really understand the education system in England so if I get anything wrong I'm sorry. Please correct me if I'm wrong!

[University of Salford, November 19, 2015, 4:55 pm]

Harry sighed as professor Stewart droned on about the importance of having a sanitary area when doing anything with open cuts and such. Harry had his head rested on his palm as he forced his eyes to stay awake. He managed to stay awake for the thirty minute lecture the professor had just given. His eyes drooped and suddenly his head was slipping out of his palm and he evidently smacked his head on the desk with a yelp.

He earned a few chuckles from the students around him and he blushed, sighing gratefully when the professor dismissed them.

He quickly got out of his seat, throwing his laptop and notebook into his backpack and making a beeline for the exit. He was glad that it was his last class of the day. He could finally go home and take a quick nap. His best mate Niall on the other hand, had other plans.

"Hey man." The dyed blonde smiled as he sauntered over to him. Harry greeted him warmly, wrapping his arm around his shoulder.

"Hi. How was class?" Harry asks and Niall shrugs.

"I'm shit at it. Got an essay to turn in in three weeks and I haven't done shit." Harry chuckled and shook his head.

"Well, just a few more months of torture and we'll be home free." Harry offers and Niall grins.

"Hallelujah to that." He whispers. Him and Niall have been friends since they were in primary school. Now, in their last year of Uni, they're closer than ever and Harry wouldn't trade anyone for him. Niall was majoring in engineering and Harry in nursing. They were heading in completely different directions but that never drove them apart.

"So, how was the blind date last night?" Niall asks and Harry rolls his eyes. He thought back to last night when he made a complete embarrassment of himself to the blind date that his other friend Charlotte put him on.

"It was downright awful. We went to the movies and I choked on my popcorn and I tried to swallow it with soda and I ended up spilling it all over myself. So I just sat there, choking to death with sticky soda all over me." Harry blushes, fiddling with his backpack strap. Niall lets out a rather loud laugh, making people turn around to see what was happening.

"It's not funny!" Harry argues and Niall continues to laugh, pretending to wipe tears from his eyes. Why is he still friends with him?

"You're hilarious, H. Oh my god, it was that bad?"

"Yeah and then he took me back to my flat and he looked so awkward it was embarrassing. I kinda wished I would choke to death on that popcorn." Niall lets out another laugh, before trying to turn serious. The corners of his lips kept twitching and Harry huffed.

"You're hopeless." Harry says and continues walking ahead of the blonde, making his way off campus. Niall rushes after him, smiling like an idiot.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. Let's just get you back to your flat so I can raid your fridge."

"Honestly, why am I friends with you? All you do is raid my fridge and laugh at my nonexistent love life."

He earns another rather loud laugh from that.

So, vote and comment please!!!!

This is the prologue, yeah the chapters will be definitely longer than this.


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