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[University of Salford, Monday, December 8, 2015, 8:55 am]

Harry's not saying Louis was the best kiss he's ever had but Louis was the best kiss he's ever had. Maybe he was being overdramatic, but he definitely felt like he could jump off a building and not get hurt. Okay, yes, he was being overdramatic.

But it doesn't matter. He has a right to be. He kissed England's superhero and it was amazing.

He smiles to himself as he tries to listen to his professor lecture but his mind continues to drift back to last week. He blushes when people stare at him, wondering why he looks so doped out.

When the class ends, he gathers his things and leaves quickly, bumping into people on the way out. He mutters quiet apologies and makes his way towards the regular place him and Niall meet when school ends. He spots the blonde walking, his bright outfit standing contrast to the dull clothing of everyone else.

"H, hey." He greets him when they're a few inches apart. Harry only hums, mind wandering again. Niall blinks, waving his hand in front of his friends face. Harry shakes his head and furrows his eyebrows.

"Sorry. I just–I had a lot of fun last week." He whispers and Niall looks at him utterly confused.

"I know the movie was good but that's not the reason you're so...happy." The blonde says narrowing his eyes. He examines his friend, taking in all the different features before gasping vividly.

"You met someone, didn't you?" He asks, slapping Harry's arm roughly. The taller lad pouts and rubs his arm.

"No...I have no idea what you're talking about." Harry rambles, looking down at his empty wrist, "Oh would you look at the time. I must be off. Salutations, good friend." He turns to leave when Niall grabs his arm roughly.

"Harry Styles, you met someone and you didn't tell me?! I feel betrayed! I feel like trash! Like–Like I'm nothing to you!" Niall cries out over-dramatically. Harry only rolls his eyes.

"You're crazy." Harry comments, looking up at the grey sky, "What a lovely day it is, huh? Not too cloudy, not too—"

"Stop trying to change the subject." Niall says, gripping Harry's arm. The taller lad blushes, looking away from the blonde knowing that if he looked at him that he'll give up the truth. He's never been good at lying. Especially to his best friend.

"Look at me, H." Niall says and Harry looks down at him, biting his bottom lip.

"Okay! God, okay." Harry blurts out, "I might have maybe, possibly, most likely kissed Spider-Man."

Niall stares at him with a blank expression. Harry waits for him to say something, the seconds becoming unnerving and unsettling. He shifts on his feet awkwardly.

"Are you trying to tell me that you kissed someone that shoots webs and beats up villains?" Niall asks. Harry swallows thickly but nods nonetheless. The shorter lad bursts out laughing. Harry gives him a confused look.

"Why're you laughing?"

"It just sounds so funny. I mean–this is some prank right?"

"How could it be a prank? I mean Spider-Man was in my flat just last week. How could that have been a prank?" The brunette asks. Niall just shrugs, shaking his head.

"Let's just get to your flat. I don't want to hear any more of your weird fetishes." Harry pouts but makes his way through the cold, back to his flat.

When they reach the building, Harry lets both of them in with numb hands and red lips. He makes his way to his bedroom to take off his coat when he stops in the hallway.

On the floor was a bouquet of white roses with a little note. Harry picks it up and looks reads the small white paper.

I tried to get something that made me think of you but really, nothing could compare.

p.s. you should lock your window.

Harry blushes at the words, taking the roses to the kitchen. As he fills a glass case, Niall walks in.

"Who gave you that?" He asks, grabbing an apple. Harry doesn't answer, only takes the bouquet out of the plastic wrapping and placing them inside the vase.

"You wouldn't believe me." Harry whispers as he admires the white roses.

"If you say it was Spider-Man, I will—"

"You'll what?" A voice asks from behind them. Harry gasps and turns around, finding Louis standing at the foyer with his arms crossed.

"Oh shit." The blonde curses, face turning red.

"I do hope you weren't going to say anything mean to him. I care about him quite a lot and if you hurt him I can possibly find a cheap funeral home for you." Louis says without missing a beat. The blondes eyes widen and he puts his hands up.

"I was just–fuck, Harry's my best friend. I would never do anything to him." Louis hums and asks if he could speak to Harry alone.

"Uh...yeah sure. Ill just–I'll see you tomorrow." Niall says before rushing out of the flat quickly. Harry blushes once they're left alone and Louis stays silent.

"I'm sorry about him. He's quite a handful." Harry apologizes. Louis laughs and makes his way towards Harry. The taller lad backs up before his hips hit the counter and Louis is caging him in.

"It's okay. I'm glad he's gone. I can finally do this." Harry is about to ask what he means when Louis' hands reach up and grab his mask. Harry gasps and watches as Louis fiddles with it for a moment before slowly taking it off.

Harry watches and he can't help but stare at his lips, wanting to lean over and kiss him. He waits as Louis continues to lift up the mask until he tosses it to the floor. Harry looks at the cloth on the floor for a moment before looking up and his breath catches in his throat.

Cerulean eyes stare back at him and suddenly he remembers him from the bookstore. He's absolutely breathtaking with disheveled hair and rosy cheeks, a stubble growing.

"You're the guy from the bookstore." Harry blurts out. Louis laughs quietly but nods. The younger lad reaches up and traces his hands around Louis' lips, feeling the curve of his lips, the sharp line of his cheekbones.

"You're so beautiful." He says suddenly, blushing when he realizes. Louis seems to become shy, biting his bottom lip to keep from smiling.

"Sap." He replies, voice barely above a whisper.

"Can I kiss you again?" Harry asks. Louis scoffs but doesn't answer. Instead, he leans in and attaches their lips slowly. They kiss languidly, barely separating for breaths but Harry wouldn't have it any other way.

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