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Happy New Years!

Late ik but still

I actually got really sick while staying up in fucking freezing cold waiting for midnight so yeah I'm a little off. Sorry if this sucks.


{Readers Escape, Tuesday, November 24th, 2015, 3:25 pm}

Louis groaned when he tried to lift up his arm to pull a book from the bookshelf. The small boy that he was helping stared up at him in concern.

"Are you okay?" He asks, staring up at Louis with worried hazel eyes.

"I'm fine. I just got into a little accident yesterday." Louis smiled and handed him the book he was asking for.

"Thank you. I hope you feel better, mister." He says and runs off to find his mum. Louis huffs and leans against the bookshelf. His shoulder throbbed and he definitely should have taken some pain pills.

The boy is back with his mum this time and they have a few books in their hands.

"Let me ring you up, yeah?" Louis asks and the mum thanks him before paying for the books. He liked seeing people enjoy reading. It wasn't every day that you saw someone other than Louis himself immersed in a book.

He smiled as the boy jumped excitedly, holding one of the books in his hands. He waves them off when they leave the store and let's out a sigh.

He falls back onto his chair and leans his head on the desk. His head hurt and his shoulder hurt and he just hoped no one needed saving today.

His best friend Eleanor walked in, flicking his head softly.

"Babe, you look downright awful." She comments. Louis grunts.

"Wow, thanks." Louis retorts, sarcastically. Eleanor rolls her eyes and walks behind the counter and hugs his waist softly.

"How does your shoulder feel? I brought you some pain pills just in case." She says, searching her bag for the small bottle of pills. He praises her and takes the bottle.

"You're a lifesaver." He says gratefully.

"Well ain't that ironic." She giggles and Louis rolls his eyes. He downs two pills and sips a glass of water.

Eleanor sits on the counter, talking about the save the other day that has been on the news.

"People are obsessed with you, Lou." She says. He was glad that someone in his life knew about his secret even if it was accidental that she found out.


Louis was making a daily round, swinging through the city late at night. He couldn't sleep and what better way than to tire yourself out while fighting crime?

He was just about to give up hope when he heard someone scream. He swung straight towards the noise and found himself in an alleyway.

"Let go! Get off of me!" Someone shouted. It sounded oddly like his best friend. He ran into the alley and found Eleanor pushed against the brick wall by a man in a ski mask.

"Hey! What's happening here?" Louis asks, making himself known. The man jumps, but keeps his grip on Eleanor.

"Who the fuck are you?" He spits.

"Oh, I'm guessing you haven't heard of me? Does the bright spandex help? Spider-Man. Ring any bells?" Louis asks and the man grunts before pulling out a gun. Louis sighs and shoots a web, knocking the gun out of the mans hand.

"What the--"

"Can we not have a friendly conversation?" He asks and the man throws Eleanor to the floor before running straight towards Louis.

Louis was ready and he shot another web, blinding the man before kicking him against the wall. The man slumps to the floor, unconscious. Louis looks back at Eleanor who was staring at him with awe filled eyes.

"Oh--thank you." She squeaks out as Louis helps her up. He nods and she rests a hand on his chest.

"H-How can I ever repay you? You're amazing. Wow." She says. Oh this is getting awkward. Louis coughs and offers to take her home. She doesn't know it's him. Her best friend since they were toddlers.


"How about a kiss, my mystery superhero." She says and before Louis can reject she's pulling up his mask.

"El!" He says and she jumps back. A look of utter confusion, then shock, then disgust crosses her features.

"Louis?! What the fuck! You were gonna let me kiss you?!"

——end of flashback——

Louis chuckles at the memory and he sighs in content when the pills start kicking in. He feels relaxed for the first time in a long time.

He leans back in his chair, closing his eyes as Eleanor keeps blabbering about a boy she met and then the bell on the front door chimes, signaling someone has came into the shop. Louis opens his eyes and he yelps when he sees who it is.

He pushes away from the desk and ends up falling off his chair with a loud thump. Eleanor giggles at him before he's pulling her under the counter and placing a hand over her mouth.

She mumbles a 'what the fuck' before Louis tells her to shut up.

"That's him!" He hisses and Eleanor raises an eyebrow before widening her eyes. She was about to reply when someone clears their throat. Louis looks up to find Harry looking down at them with curious eyes.

"Am I interrupting something here? 'Cause the sign said open." Harry says and Louis blushes just as Eleanor goes to protest but stops when Louis doesn't move his hand from her mouth.

"N-No. Definitely not interrupting! I uh--El was just leaving!" Louis rushes and pulls Eleanor to her feet and pushes her around the counter.

"Eleanor? As in that one girl that's always getting saved by Spider-Man?" Harry asks and Louis nods hastily.

"Yeah yeah. The one and only. She's very busy right and can't stop to take pictures." Eleanor was about to say something before Louis opens the door and pushes her outside. She flips him off before walking down the block, her finger still up in the air.

Harry laughs awkwardly before shuffling on his feet. He looked so beautiful, Louis had to admit. All pigeon toed and broad shoulders. Louis wanted to kiss him.

He coughs and walks back around the counter while Harry stares at him curiously.

"So uh do you need help with anything uh..." Louis asks, messing with a paper on the counter, trying not to notice the fact that Harry wouldn't stop staring at him like he was trying to figure something out.

"Oh. I'm Harry. S-Sorry I'm staring. You just sound so much like him." Harry states and Louis' eyes widen before he bites his thumbnail anxiously.

"L-Like who?" Louis shuts his eyes and prays that Harry won't say it. Please don't say it. Don't say it.

"Like Spider-Man."

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