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{Univeristy of Salford, Monday, November 23, 2015, 2:33 pm}

"It actually happened, Niall! He just swooped in and crashed into me!" Harry exclaimed as the two sat on a bench, eating a sandwich that they got from a cafe on the campus. Niall rolled his eyes, obviously not believing his friend. He's made up stories before about how he's bumped into the vigilante on many occasions.

He never believed any of them. This was most likely another one of his tall tales. He's always had an odd obsession with Spider-Man. He never understood it but he never made fun of it for him.

"Oh really?" Niall hums, taking Harry's sandwich from his unsuspecting hands and stuffing it in his mouth. Harry doesn't seem to mind.

"Yeah. If it didn't happen how did I get coffee on my coat?" Harry asks crossing his arms and smiling proudly.

"You're as clumsy as a three year old." Niall replies and Harry pouts, "I'm sorry, Haz. I'm just calling it like I see it."

Harry shoves his arm softly.

"Shut up. I don't understand how you never believe me!" Harry mutters as they stand up to head back to class.

"I won't believe you unless it happens right in front of my eyes." The blonde says and oh did he wishes he didn't say that. Right then a man in spandex leaps to the ground right in front of them.

Harry gasps and has Niall's shirt in a death grip. Niall's eyes widen as he chokes on the last piece of his sandwich and he hits his chest repeatedly trying to find the will to breathe again. Harry it seems, has stopped breathing whatsoever.

His eyes were as wide as golf balls as Spider-Man stood there, hands on his hips.

"Aren't you going to say hi?" He asks and Harry splutters out a hi. He blushes and Spider-Man only laughs, his voice high and soft.

Niall had stopped choking, the surprise already vanishing. Superheroes stopped by and said hi to normal people all the time, right?

"Are you going to introduce me to your boyfriend or..." Niall chokes again.

"H-He's not my--no--I'm single." Harry stutters and Niall snickers. People were starting to gather around and Spider-Man sighed.

"I'll see you around..." He says.

"Harry! My name--it's Harry." The curly haired boy says and Spider-Man gives him a thumbs up since he can't see him smiling behind his mask and shoots a spiderweb, jumping into the nearest roof.

"Holy motherfucking shit fuckballs, did that just happen?" Harry wheezes and Niall let's out a loud laugh. The people around them stared at them with curious expressions, wanting to know what happened.

"Nothing happened! Get to class!" Niall shouted and the people slowly started to dissipate. Harry still seemed to be having breathing problems and Niall grabbed his backpack and looked around for Harry's inhaler.

"You need this?" Niall asks offering the small device to Harry. The taller lad shook his head and stuffed it in his bag.

"Let's uh...get to class."


Louis watched as Harry made his way back to the university, his blonde friend in tow. He really should be leaving. This wasn't safe.

He looked at him one last time before swinging another web and making his way from roof to roof.

He thought it was a very relaxing day until he heard a faint scream. He knew that scream.

He flew as fast as he could to the noise and was met with none other than the Green Goblin staring back at him, a wicked smile on his face.

"Well if it isn't the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. How do you do?" He asks as soon as Louis hops onto the nearest platform. Louis took in his surroundings, noticing how they were on a high roof, the pavement most likely at least thirty feet down.

"I'm fine. Can't say the same about you. You look a little green. Are you sick?" Louis asks, looking for any sign of the person who screamed.

"Enough with the jokes. I have your girlfriend and you want her back don't you?" The Green Goblin asks and Louis mentally face palms.

"She's not my girlfriend." Louis mutters and just the villain turns around and flies to the edge of the roof and pulls out his best friend Eleanor from the ledge.

She looks at him with wide eyes, as the Green Goblin grips her by her waist and dangles her off the edge.

"She seems awfully scared."

"Oh I wouldn't know why that is. Maybe because she might fall to her death? I don't know, just a thought." Louis shrugs and Eleanor glares daggers at him.

"Oh don't look at me like that, El! You know I'll catch you!" Louis says and the girl rolls her eyes but when she looks back down at the pavement she squeaks in fear.

The Green Goblin pushes her off his board without another word and Eleanor shrieks as she falls down the building. Louis makes haste, sprinting to the edge and shooting a web.

The world seems to go in slow motion as Eleanor catches the web and she stops falling, inches from hitting the floor. Louis doesn't get to applaud himself before the Green Goblin throws him across the roof, making him land in a heap on the floor.

He groans but stands up quickly, but not quick enough as the villain grabs him again and this time throws him off the building. He falls quickly, but shoots a web and manages to land on the pavement safely.

The Green Goblin is on him again, this time with a few small pumpkin bombs in his hand.

"Oh come on." Louis groans and jumps away before on of the bombs could hit him. He wasn't fast enough because one of them blew up right next to him, sending a shockwave through his body and flinging him to the nearest wall. He falls to the floor on his knees and he sees a cut on his leg, the costume sliced open.

The Green Goblin isn't done, the board that he uses to fly around in, protrudes sharp knives at the end of it and their heading straight toward Louis.

Today was just not his day.

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