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sorry I haven't updated in forever


{unknown place, unknown date, unknown time}

Louis groaned, opening his eyes and taking in his surroundings. He was still wearing his mask, perspiration making it sticky against his face. He moves to take it off but his hands are restrained to his side in some way. He looked around again and winced at the throbbing pain in his head.

He was lying on a metal bed, wrists and ankles tied to it. He struggled against them, pulling and straining but nothing working. He let out an exasperated breath and lay there pliantly. He looks around for something to indicate where he was but nothing was sparking his memory.

Just then a door in the corner of the room opens and in walks The Green Goblin, smiling wickedly.

"Look who decided to join the party."

"Stan, what the fuck are you doing?" Louis asks. The name strikes a nerve, he's seldom called that anymore.

"I'm not Stan. He's dead. You killed him when you chose to not save him."

"My blood would have killed you, Stan. Why can't you under—"

"Shut up! Just stop! You killed me so now I'm returning the favor!" Stan yells, a smile pulling on his sickly green face.

"Stan, what the fuck are you talking—"

"Stop calling me Stan!" He shrieks. Suddenly, he pulls out a small knife, pushing it against his neck. Louis stiffens, trying to move his head away from the blade to no avail.

"I want to see the life drain out of your eyes while I kill you slowly." Stan says with a sinister smile. He lifts up his free hand, grabbing his mask and pulling it off of his head. Louis lets out a heavy breath and looks to Stan.

"This isn't you, Stan." He says. The name triggers something. He snaps and digs the knife into Louis' neck. He yells out in pain, blood oozing out from the wound.

"You're right." Stan says, pulling away completely, "This isn't me. I won't kill you myself. I'll kill you by taking away something precious to you."

Louis raises an eyebrow and chuckles dryly.

"How many times have I told you that Eleanor isn't my girl—"

"Oh I know. I was your best friend. Do you think I never noticed how you looked at guys?"

"If you knew I was gay then why did you—"

"Eleanor is your best friend. She was my link to you. But recently I noticed the person you've been pining over." Stan says, "What was his name? Harold? Harry? Ah, yes. Harry Styles. Goes to Sanford. Majoring in nursing."

"H–How do you know all this?"

"I have my ways. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go meet this boy that seems to like hanging in the library at this time." With that, Stan leaves, Louis yelling and pulling at the restraints.

{Public Library, Wednesday, November 25, 2015, 5:45 pm}

Harry was flipping through a fiction novel when he heard the screams. He looks up, pulling his earbuds out and looking around the library.

Suddenly the glass windows shatter and smoke envelopes the entire building in seconds. Harry coughs, jumping up and scrambling around, trying to find his way out. He could hear the faint screaming of people outside.

"Harry Styles. Lovely name." Harry turns at the call of his name and gasps.

The Green Goblin stands on his glider, hovering inches from the floor. He glides closer to Harry, a sickening smile on his lips.

"I've heard a lot about you." He says. Harry stumbles back, tripping over his feet and falling to the floor.

"W–What do you want with me?" He asks, coughing from the smoke entering his lungs.

"I want to—"

Just then, a web shoots out from nowhere and hits the Green Goblin in the face. He screams in annoyance and turns to find Spider-Man crouched on the floor, costume ripped and burned.

"How did you escape?" The Green Goblin asks in utter disbelief, "Electro was—"

"He's not very good in water." Spider-Man retorts. Harry looks between the two, heart racing. Before he has time to react, The Green Goblin is throwing pumpkin bombs at Spider-Man. The superhero barely has enough time to jump away, landing on a nearby wall. The Green Goblin glides towards him, a dozen small blades in his hand.

"Watch out!" Harry cries out when the Green Goblin throws them. Spider-Man flings himself off the wall, the blades flying past him. One hits his leg, the knife lodging itself into his thigh. Spider-Man cries out in pain, falling to the floor.

The Green Goblin waists no time, gliding towards him and pulling a needle out of a compartment in his glider. Spider-Man sits up, ready to shoot a web when a man with terrifying blue features emerges out of nowhere.

"You thought you could rid of me so easily?" He says, voice booming.

"Glad you're here Electro." The Green Goblin states. The one known as Electro nods, floating towards Spider-Man. The hero shoots a web, missing by a few inches. Electro chuckles, shooting a bolt of what looks like lightning towards him. Spider-Man collapses to the floor, body shaking.

The Green Goblin puts the syringe away and steps off his glider. He walks towards Spider-Man and Harry can't seem to do anything. He sits there, frozen in place.

The villain grabs Spider-Man by his neck, pulling him up until he's dangling centimeters from the floor.

"Now, you're going to see him die right in front of you." He says, motioning towards Harry. Spider-Man grunts, hands trying to pry off his grip on his neck.

Spider-Man shoots one last web, straight into the Green Goblins eyes, blinding him for a few seconds. He drops the hero to the floor and shrieks in anger.

"Run!" Spider-Man yells to Harry. That snaps him out of his daze and he scrambles to his feet, running out of the library.

He surely doesn't miss the ear-piercing scream that Spider-Man emits seconds later.

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