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{Harry's flat, Wednesday, November 25, 2015, 11:22 pm}

Harry bites his thumbnail as he stares at his crappy television, the newscaster frantically rambling.

"Earlier today, Spider-Man was making a daring rescue at a public library where he was apprehended by two criminals. One known as The Green Goblin and the other as Electro. We have reason to believe that he is being held by these two but the the reason behind it is currently unknown. This city is—"

The television blurs and static takes over the small box. Harry stands up and and moves to the television, hitting the sides a few times, trying to get a signal before he finally gets one.

"Harry! Hi!" The young boy jumps at his name and moves to look at the television.

The Green Goblin was staring back at him.

Harry falls to the floor and moves away from the television. This couldn't be happening. This couldn't be—

"Now, I can't see or hear you but I know you're watching." The villain says simply. Harry tries to control his breath. He couldn't be talking about him, could he? There must be another Harry that he's talking about.

"Harry Styles. Goes to Sanford. Studies nursing?" The Green Goblin says. Harry's eyes widen and he shakes his head frantically.

"Now, you might be wondering why I'm contacting you and's better if I just show you." The camera moves and Harry sees the room clearly.

Spider-Man is chained to a wall, almost as if it was a crucible. His arms extended in opposite directions and his head was slumped. His suit was ripped and body mutilated. A man stood next to him, the one known as Electro.

"Seven milliamps of electricity can cause cardiac arrest to humans but will it be the same for him? If you don't come to this location by midnight we'll be testing out this theory." The villain says, smiling. There's a location written on the wall with what looks eerily like blood. Harry gasps and whispers no over and over again.

"Come alone. If you don't, well, you don't want to know what we'll do." Harry stumbles to his feet and runs a hand through his hair.

Why him?

Why is he so important to them? He hasn't done anything to them. Why do they want him?

"Harry..." He turns around to the television and sees Spider-Man shaking his head slowly.

"Stay away. I'm...fine. Don't come here." He says. The screen goes black.


Harry finds himself staring at an abandoned warehouse in a business district of London. He shivers as a gust of cold air hits him and slips his hands in his pockets. He walks into the building with wobbly legs and shaky breaths.

"H–Hello?" Harry calls out, hands fumbling for the small pocket flashlight he brought along.

"Why do you sound so...afraid?" A voice pierces through the darkness. Harry squeaks and stumbles back, looking around frantically.

He could hear chains rattling against each other in the distance, and Harry knows it's Spider-Man.

He needs help.

Harry runs towards the noise and stops in his tracks when a scream echoes through the building.

"Let him go!" Harry shouts into the darkness and a chuckle comes from behind him. He spins around and is pulled up from the ground by his neck.

He's met with the sickening glare of the Green Goblin. Harry gasps out, hands trying to pry away the villains grasp to no avail. He tries to breathe, needs to breathe, but the hand clasped around his neck is too strong.


He can't. His breaths are coming out in gasps and his hands aren't doing much good to defend himself.


He has to. A superhero is in trouble and he is someone that can help him.


He uses his last ounce of strength that he has to kick the villain as hard as he could. The Green Goblin shouts in pain and drops Harry to the floor, who scrambles to his feet and runs through the building, trying to look for Spider-Man.

He could hear the Goblin's taunting laugh behind him and he pushes his feet faster than he ever had before.

He turns and runs into a hallway and finds himself in a corridor with a flickering lightbulb guiding the way. He runs through the hallway, sweat trickling down his neck until he reaches a locked door at the end.

Another scream emits from the inside.

Without a thought, he runs into the door with his shoulder and breaks it down. He doesn't think about the pain prickling through his arm. No.

He sees Spider-Man.

Someone who is supposed to be so powerful and amazing, tied to the wall, with cuts and mutilation across his body. Harry tries not to inhale too deeply, the smell of burned flesh too much to bare.

"H–Harry?" Spider-Man says and oh.

He knows his name.

Harry runs toward him, hands fluttering around his body frantically, trying to find a way to help him.

"Get out of here." The hero says. Harry shakes his head.

"I'm not–I can't just leave you." He replies, shakily.

"How lovely." Harry turns around to find the Green Goblin and Electro standing next to each other, smiling.

"G–Get away from him. He has...nothing to do with this. This is and you, Stan." Spider-Man breathes out through clenched teeth.

"He has everything to do with this. It's the only way I can kill you, without actually doing it." The Green Goblin retorts. Harry stands there, confused and terrified.

What does he have to do with all this?

The two villains start walking closer and Harry cowers back against the wall. He looks around the room, looks for something to defend himself with but comes up empty.

The Green Goblin is on him before he has time to comprehend what is happening.

Just like before, he is lifted against the wall, hand around his neck, cutting off his oxygen.

He chokes out a gasp and claws at the villains hands. He could see Spider-Man screaming, pulling against his restraints.

He's going to die.

The air in his lungs is running out quickly and he could hear the Goblin chuckling darkly before tossing him to the floor. Harry lets out a yelp and crawls back.

"I won't kill you so quickly. I'll destroy you first. Take away everything you love and watch you fall apart in the palm of my hand and then, I will kill you."

The last thing he sees before everything goes black is Spider-Man breaking free from the restraints.

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