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A/N: so I got an idea from qualitystylinson I want to post the time and date and place to keep track of those things. I hope you don't mind qualitystylinson ;)

[Petite Cafe, Friday, November 20th, 2015, 6:43 pm]

It wasn't an odd occurrence for police sirens to be heard and then the quick blur of a man in red and blue spandex to fly past you on your way for a morning coffee.

Well, at least it wasn't for Harry. He's seen the masked vigilante more than once and he feels a bit honored. It isn't everyday, you get to see London's superhero in the flesh.

Harry made his way out of the café he went to almost religiously and took a sip of his coffee, his fingerless gloves heating up with the warm cup. He had a blueberry muffin in a small paper bag and he stopped outside the door to adjust his beanie.

It was cold, his breath forming puffs of clouds in front of him. Just as he was about to take a step forward, a body crashed into his, spilling his coffee all over him and possibly smashing his muffin.

He and the person who crashed into him, fell to the cobblestone floor in a tangle of limbs. Harry let out a rather unmanly yelp. The world seemed to move in slow motion because he saw the floor moving closer and he had enough time to think oh shit here comes a concussion.

But the floor never came. Instead, he felt someone's arm around his waist.

He looked up and stared into a mask. A red and blue mask, with black ovals for eyes. Harry gasped because oh my god, Spider-Man just bumped into him. The superhero moved away, setting Harry back on his feet.

Harry looked down and saw his coffee was spilled over his trench coat. He glanced and saw his paper bag with his muffin on the floor, looking defeated.

"Sorry, mate." Spider-Man apologizes. Harry decided then that he liked his voice. It was high, but rigid with a deep Yorkshire accent.

"I-It's okay." Harry stutters. Spider-Man tilts his head comically.

"How can you look like that when I just crashed into you, spilled coffee all over you, and possibly smashed your muffin?" He asks, laughing a bit.

"Look like what?"

"Like I'm some god."

"'re Spider-Man." Harry blushes, looking away. People were starting to surround them, wanting to get a glimpse of the famous man in spandex. Spider-Man laughs at Harry's comment before shrugging his shoulders.

"I'll see you around, handsome." He says and before Harry could tell him his name, he had shot a web and leaped into the air, rounding the nearest building.

He called him handsome. Handsome. Spider-Man called him handsome.

Harry was in a daze as he walked back to his flat, not caring about the fact that he had sticky coffee spilled on his coat.

Once he was safely nuzzled into his shabby flat, he let out a very manly squeal from his perspective. He smiled, peeling off his coat and throwing it in his hamper.



Louis jumped onto the nearest building, staring down as that boy with unruly curls, stands in front of the coffee shop, frozen for a moment.

The boy smiled before he was off, walking. Louis watches him walk, leaning over the edge of the building.

He might or might not have crashed into him on purpose. Louis just didn't know any other way to talk to him. He was so beautiful, like a walking god. His legs were long and lanky, with small hips and broad shoulders and wow, Louis might like him a bit too much.

He might be a little bit obsessive. He's seen the boy around a few times (a lot of times) and he's made sure that when he's swinging webs, he flies right past him.

He's just so infatuated with the boy and he doesn't even know his damn name. The first time Louis saw him was about two years ago when he was swinging aimlessly through Lancashire and he spotted him on his way to Salford, the university in the area.

He had been so mesmerized by his curls that he almost crashed into a billboard.

And yeah, that's where it started.

This time, though, he has spoken to him. It was just a few words but it was something. He heard his voice for the first time. It was deep and gruff and basically the definition of sex. And his eyes. They were so so green like spring grass.

All Louis knew was that he was fucked.

Louis watched as he rounded the corner, and he ran across the roof of the building, not wanting to lose the boy. He watches as the boy walks down the block and he trails after him, jumping from roof to roof quietly.

Sure, he should be afraid of him spotting him or that fact that he's basically behaving like a stalker right now but he could care less.

The boy walks a few more blocks until he reaches a flat complex, taking out his key and walking inside, closing the door behind him.

Louis grimaces at himself; he knows where he lives now and that was just completely horrifying. Stalker 101.

He's glad at that moment that he hears the sirens of police cars a few blocks away. He glanced one last time at the boys flat, mentally cursing himself as he memorized the address and jumped off the building.

He swung a web and launched himself onto the building across the street, making his way towards the sirens.

He needed something to distract him from that boy.

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