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{Alleyway, Monday, November 23, 2015, 5:51 pm}

Louis yelled out in pain as the Green Goblin's knives stabbed him, impaling him in his shoulder.

He shook with adrenaline and shot a web at the villain, blinding him for enough time for Louis to push him as hard as he could against the wall. He hissed as the blade left his body, a new shred of pain running through his veins.

He pushed it to the back of his mind and shot two more webs towards the villains hands, keeping him stuck against the wall. The Green Goblin screamed and Louis turned, shooting a web and swinging off.

He faintly wonders if Eleanor is okay but he doesn't get much into that thought when his shoulder burns as if he was being branded and he tumbles onto the nearest rooftop.

He groans and looks at his shoulder, bright red blood spilling down his suit. He winces when he tries to move and sighs.

"Fuck." He groans. What is he going to do? His head feels dizzy and he wonders where he is. He plans to change back into his clothes and walk to the hospital but in reality, he doesn't know if he can make it.

He glances around, looking at the city before remembering. Harry. He could help him.

He grunts as he runs off the roof and shoots another web, crying out when his shoulder burns. He has to keep stopping every few swings, breathing through his nose deeply as the pain gets worse and his head gets dizzier.

He could see the flat complex that Harry lives in and smiles to himself. He swings another web and launches off the roof, groaning in pain.

He's so close. Two more webs and he'll be at his window. He could see someone moving inside. He pushes himself, but when he's close enough to stop, his shoulder aches and he lets go of the web instinctively and it sends him flying through a window.


Harry was just getting minding his own business, finishing his essay for class, when his window shattered and a body fell through it.

He screamed, reaching for the nearest object which just so happened to be his heeled boot and aimed it at the trespasser.

He threw the shoe without aiming and it hit the body and he heard a small 'ow'.

Then he saw it. Red and blue spandex covering a perfectly built man.

Spider-Man just crashed through his window and Harry just threw a shoe at him. He gasped an darted towards the man laying on the floor, panting heavily.

"What's wrong? A-Are you okay? Oh my god, are you dying?" Harry asks and Spider-Man chuckles dryly.

"I'm fi--" he winces as he tries to stand up and falls back onto the floor. He groans in pain and rolls onto his back.

Harry gasps when he sees a deep cut on his shoulder, blood oozing out rapidly.

"Shit. I-I'm--I study nursing in Uni. I can help." Harry rushes out and falls to his knees. Spider-Man nods frantically, his chest heaving.

"O-Okay. Um--you need to take this off--so I can look at the wound." Harry stutters and Spider-Man laughs breathlessly.

"If you wanted me could've just asked." Harry blushes and stands up, digging through his drawers until he finds a pair of sweats.

"Here. You can change into these. Leave your um shirt off." Harry turns around as Spider-Man struggles to take off the bottom of his suit and slipping into the sweats.

"Okay, babe. You can turn around now." Harry turns around and blushes, Spider-Man is shirtless in his room. His mask is still on, looking quite silly in if Harry thinks so.

He can't help but stare at his chest, the way his chest heaves and the tattoos running up his chest and down his arms.

He bites his lip and looks away. He quickly makes his way towards the man and kneels next to him.

"I love having you on your knees." Spider-Man says and Harry blushes again, faintly wondering why he's talking to him like this when he supposedly has a girlfriend.

Harry brings a hand up to his shoulder and looks at the wound. It's deep and still bleeding.

"What happened?" Harry asks, grabbing some gauze with a saline solution and padding down the cut.

Spider-Man winces and moves to grip Harry's forearm in pain.

"The Green Goblin and I had a fallout." He mumbles, "Got stabbed." Harry widens his eyes and gets a clearer look at the cut.

"You need stitches. Hold on. I'll be right back." He leaves without another word and rummages through his bathroom stuff. He had a first aid kit somewhere in here. He smiled when he found it and made his way back to Spider-Man.

He was lying flat on his back, breathing heavily. Harry had to stop from letting his mind wander. He quickly knelt by him again and begun to get to work.

Spider-Man stayed silent throughout the entire thing, never moving unless it was a slight twitch of his small fingers or a wince in pain.

When Harry was finished, he sat back and admired his work. He quickly patched him up and stood up. Spider-Man stood up with him.

"Thank you." He whispers and looks at the window he crashed through. The glass was all over the floor and he rubbed his masked head.

"Sorry about that. I'll pay for it." He promise and Harry shakes his head.

"It's fine. The landlord will fix it." Harry mumbles, cleaning up the gauze and blood that was littered around his wood floor.

Harry looks up to find Spider-Man at the window, back in his costume. It was ripped and bloodied but he still managed to look like a god in it.

"Thanks again, Harry. If you ever, and I mean ever, need help with something, I'm in the neighborhood." Harry swore he could hear the smirk in his voice.

With one last glance back at the Uni boy, he jumped out the window and was gone.


Merry Christmas lovelies!!

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