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[Unknown place, unknown date, unknown time]

Harry opens his eyes slowly, confused when he's met with pitch black surroundings. He looks around frantically, hands flying ahead of him, trying to find something to hold on to.

He stumbles to his feet, a small whimper leaving his lips when he can't find anything around him.

"H–Hello?" He calls out, searching blindly. A small chuckle makes his jump and then suddenly, the lights are flickered on, and he finds himself standing in a dim warehouse. He looks around quickly, looking for any way out. The windows are high, covered in newspaper so he can't see out. He moves to cry out for help but then the Green Goblin is hovering in front of him, his glider humming lightly.

"Scream and I'll have the greatest time cutting out your jugular." Harry squeaks, hands flying up to his throat in an attempt to protect himself.

"W–What do you want from me?" He asks, stepping back, only to trip over his feet. He tumbles to the floor and he goes to stand up but the villain stops him.

"I won't hurt you. Not yet at least." He comments. Harry swallows a snarky rebuttal, choosing to stay silent. He looks around again and finds two large doors opposite of him. He looks back up at the Green Goblin and makes a run for it. He barely makes it three steps when he's being lifted off the ground. He lets out a shrill scream and looks down, watching as the ground goes further away.

"Let's take this outside then." The villain says and he's flying out the doors, gripping Harry by his arm. The young lad has become a blubbering mess, begging for him to not drop him. When they're outside, the Goblin flies upward, leaving the streets farther and farther below.

Harry feels himself being lifted up until he's stand on the glider along with him. The Green Goblin gives him an ugly smile and snickers to himself softly.

"This isn't so bad, right?" He says as they continue to fly higher into the dark night. Harry has tears streaming down his face and he's afraid to look down, afraid to see how high they are.

"J–Just let me go!" Harry begs and the moment he says that he regrets it. The Green Goblin shrugs his shoulders and in an instant, pushes Harry off the glider. He screams, hands flailing trying to reach at something although there's nothing around. He falls, shutting his eyes and waiting for the ground to come.

Just as quick as he was falling, he stopped. An arm was slung against him and when he looked up the Green Goblin was smirking down at him. Harry gasps as he's being lifted back up, struggling against his hold. He could see that he's not that far from the ground and if he got away now, he'd probably only get a broken arm. He figures it's a good price to pay if it means his freedom.  He's almost free when the Green Goblin grips his arm firmly.

"Stop struggling." He says. Harry is about to argue when he glides upward again, this time faster and higher than before. Harry lets out another scream, body trembling with fear.

"Stan!" A voice yells and the Goblin turns around. Harry looks and finds Louis complete in his Spider-Man suit. He stared up at them from the ground. The Green Goblin stops where he's at and glider humming lowly.

"We were wondering when you'd arrive. Weren't we, Harry?" He asks and Harry looks down, air blowing strands of curls against his eyes. He could see Louis shooting a web at the glider and pulling it down. The pull makes the Green Goblin fall backwards and his hold on Harry to break. The younger lad falls with a shriek. Not a second passes until arms wrap around him and he's being swung through the air.

"You're fine, babe." Louis whispers when they land on solid ground. Harry crumples to his knees and lets out a quiet sob, hand covering his mouth. Louis bends down, and holds him, lets him breakdown.

"Stay here, okay? I'm—" He's cut off by being blown against the nearest wall. Harry gasps and looks to find Electro standing there, smoke emitting from his palm. He turns to Harry, floating inches from the ground. He makes his way to him, fingertips shining with small bolts of lightening.

"You have caused quite enough damage." He states. Harry turns and runs but finds himself cornered in a wall. He lets out an exasperated noise, something between a whine and a cry for help. His feet carry him back to where he came but finds Electro inches from him. He's being gripped by the neck within a second, hoisted off the ground in another. He lets out a guttural gasp, hands flying up to pry off his hands to no avail.

"Hands off." Louis says suddenly, shooting a web and pulling Electro back quickly. Harry falls to the ground with a quiet thump. Louis checks to see if he's alright before kicking Electro square in the jaw. The Green Goblin decides it's time to make his appearance again, gliding towards him with pumpkin bombs in his hands.

He throws them at Louis, exploding on impact and the hero only has a fraction of a second to dodge them. He jumps away, landing vertically on the nearest wall. Harry watches, unsure of what to do. He's cornered while they fight and he has absolutely no where to go.

He looks at his surrounding, grabbing a lone edge of a pipe and searches for a way to run off. The villains continue to fight, the area turning into an array of blue lightening and green smoke. When their backs are turned to him, he makes a run for it trying to get out of the way.

But that ends disastrously. He feels it before he he sees it. An electrifying pain shooting up his spine, immobilizing him. He falls to the floor, twitching violently. Electro stands over him, ready to electrocute him again. Harry still has the pipe in his hands and he uses it, swinging it straight for his face. Only, Electro grabs it, pulling it out of his grasp and throwing it to the floor without so much as a sweat.

"Come on!" Harry shouts in annoyance. Electro chuckles at him and shoots another bolt from his fingertips, aiming at Harry's head. He barely has time to roll away, stumbling to his feet. Louis is still fighting the Goblin but he seems to be winning from the looks of it.

"Goddammit, Harry, run!" He shouts suddenly. Harry doesn't need to be told twice. He turns and runs off, silently praying that his clumsy feet won't betray him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2016 ⏰

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