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"So, I want to host a huge party for you. As long as it isn't like the last one." She chuckled nervously. "I know the past few months have been tough." Mum held my hands. "And I'm really sorry. We can invite your Dad if you like?"
I answered immediately. "No."
"Tabbi, what's up with you?" She raised her voice. "He's your Father."
"He's a murderer!" I shouted. We stared at each other for a while, and Mum's expression was one of extreme shock and horror.
"Yeah." I nodded. "I know. I know the real reason you two split." I swallowed hard. "And I don't understand why you want so much for a murderer to be a part of your daughter's life." Most of me was talking about Dad, but a part of me was talking about Kyle. I knew it was unfair, how was Mum to know? But I was angry, and hurt.
"No. I just want to be alone for a while." I was feeling a mixture of things: sickness, because of what I'd seen. Hurt, because of a number of things. Anger, about Dad and Kyle. But also guilt. Guilt because I hadn't thought for a second about what I was doing to Mum. Maybe I should convince her to leave tonight, somehow. But where would we go? She would never believe me if I told her the truth, so what would I tell her? 'Your boyfriend is a serial killer who just so happens to be dead, oh and by the way, your daughter is going to die tomorrow to release a couple of spirits.' I didn't think so.

"Hey." Seth walked into my bedroom later on that night. "Elias came to speak to me. He said I should come speak to you."
I was shocked. "Elias?"
"Yeah, I was surprised too." He laughed lightly.
"Did he tell you what happened?" I patted the bed next to me.
Seth shook his head, taking a seat beside me. We were really close, and my heart started to beat faster and faster.
"Doctor Carver threatened me today. He made me watch a couple more scenes."
"Oh." He sounded calm, but I saw his fists clench, and he wouldn't look at me. "Who did you see?"
"Elizabeth, first. He wanted me to watch everyone's, but after the next one, I couldn't."
"Who's was the next?"
I hesitated. Finally, when he looked me straight in the eyes, I told him. "Yours. Twice, on accident. I was still holding the keyring."
He smiled slightly. "Sorry, I'm not happy about you seeing me die. It's just that you mentioned the keyring."
I could punch him for changing the subject. Why didn't he ask me why his death bothered me so much more than the others? It did work in my favour in a way, however, since I'd been curious about the keyring. "Why is the keyring your most precious possession?"
"Kimberly." I could see the nostalgia in his eyes. "It was the first gift she ever bought for me, and it was when I was going through a tough time at school. Horrible people and stuff." He looked at me and chuckled. "She surprised me one day - I was 13, she was 8. She came running up to me as soon as I was back from school with something behind her back. When I asked what she had, she gave me the cutest smile and presented the keyring, really enthusiastically. I remember word for word what she said, too. 'You've been sad, and I wanted to cheer you up. Penguins always make me happy, so I got you this. I used all my pocket money to buy it, because I love you, and I want you to be happy.'" He looked down at his lap. "It must seem silly-"
"Not at all." I grinned. "It's really cute how important she is to you."
"Really?" He looked back at me, and I could swear our faces were closer than before.
"Yeah." I whispered, nodding slightly.
"Thank you." He whispered back. "So, how was my death? Did I look as pathetic as Dad made out?" He laughed. I could feel my blood boiling again at the memory of the terrible things his Dad said to him, knowing they probably bothered Seth even now, knowing how insecure those words must have made him.
"No. You reacted more tamely than I ever would, anyway." I had a sudden burst of confidence, and decided to rest my head on his shoulder. He jumped slightly, but he didn't ask me to move. "It was horrible."
"It was a long time ago, now."
"It was still horrible. I hated it. I wanted to help in some way but I just couldn't."
To my surprise, Seth laced his arm under my own so he could wrap his arm around my waist, pulling me closer.
"I really care about you." I knew I went red. I didn't need a mirror to tell me that.
"Me too." Without hesitation, he pressed his lips to the top of my head.
Way to make my heart skip a beat, and my face to take on more of a burgundy shade.
I looked up at him. He'd never called me that before.
We stared into each others eyes, and I was sure our faces were getting closer and closer. Maybe it was all in my mind. I was building up the courage to kiss him, and-
And somebody cleared their throat. We practically leaped away from each other, leaving nearly the whole bed between us.
"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." Elias crossed his arms and his lip twitched. "But I need to talk to Tabs."
"But maybe Tabs doesn't need to talk to you." Seth smirked.
"What do you want, Elias?"
"First off, I'm really sorry. I should've told you."
"Told her what?" Seth's smirk was wiped from his face, and he looked from Elias to me.
"If I want to free you all, I need to die. I'm going to be dead this time tomorrow." I glanced at Seth, and his eyes were filled with terror.

Dream for the Dead (Completed/Editing)Where stories live. Discover now