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When I woke in the morning, I remembered what Analetta had told me about fear and courage, and was about to go down to breakfast when I saw a neatly wrapped gift beside my bed. I grinned and lifted it onto my lap, reading the label.

'Happy birthday, Tabbi. Theoretically older than me now! Love, Elias.'

I unwrapped the gift, and gasped. It was a beautiful box: black, decorated with red roses and tiny plastic diamonds. There was a note on top of the box, and it read:

'You seem to love the rose garden in town, and you play Für Elise on the piano a lot. Hope you like it.'

I opened up the box, and a little ballerina in a black dress popped up. I wound up the box, and the ballerina span gracefully to a twinkly, music box version of Für Elise. Overwhelmed by the beauty of it, I stared at it in awe for about a minute, before Mum came in
"Happy birthday, baby." She hugged me and kissed me on the top of my head. "Even though you're growing into a young lady now, you'll always be my baby girl."
A ball of guilt grew in the pit of my stomach.
"Since it's your birthday, you're allowed a huge breakfast. I've made all your favourites: bacon, pancakes with peanut butter and jam, croissants, pain au chocolat..."
"Wow, I'm not sure I'll be able to finish all of that. Thanks, Mum."
"Oh!" It was only now that she noticed the music box on my lap. "Where did you get this?"
"I was hanging out with Elias yesterday. It's a birthday present." I closed the box carefully and placed it on my bedside table.
"I thought you didn't like him that much?"
"He's not all that bad." I smirked.

At breakfast, Mum brought me four gifts.
"Sorry there's not as many as usual. Blackpool was your main present."
"I understand. Four is more than enough, Mum."
The first was a new outfit, and Mum explained that it was for the party tonight. The whole family would be coming, all except Dad. The second was a book I'd been dying to read for a while.
I don't suppose I'll ever get to read that now.
The third was a gift bag filled with skincare and makeup products, but the fourth was my favourite. A pink Swiss Army knife.
"You've been asking for one of these for about a year. I have no idea what's so exciting, but..." She shrugged.
"Thanks, Mum. I'm sure it'll prove quite useful."
I was lying. I knew it would prove very useful.

I spent the whole day helping Mum prepare things for the party, and all I could think about was the photograph in my drawers upstairs. I had to watch the scene before Carver found it - if he found it, I'd be trapped. My plan wouldn't work.
"I'm gonna go get changed." I excused myself as I finished blowing up the last balloon.
I ran to my bedroom, and the first thing I did was check that the photograph was still in the drawer.
"Phew." The panic I had felt prior melted away when I saw that the photograph was still there, in the very same place. I had to wait, though. I had to have this last day with Mum. Dying on my birthday wouldn't be too fun.

I changed into my new outfit: a pretty black dress with a lace pattern made from thin, delicate material; black heels with silver roses on the sides, and a pair of silver droplet earrings. I clipped my clutch belt on and was admiring my new outfit in the mirror, when Kyle wandered into my bedroom.
"I could've been undressed!" I hissed.
"Yes, well, you're decent. So there's nothing to worry about." He gave me a smug smile.
"What're you doing here? Mum didn't invite you, did she?" I rolled my eyes. "Magnificent."
"Hey!" He pouted. "I saved both your arses at the Halloween party."
"That was all your fault in the first place!"
He shrugged. "Fair point."
"Again, what are you doing in here?"
In a split second, he slammed me onto the ground and darted for the drawer. I quickly recovered and leaped onto him, but he - being stronger than I - managed to throw me off him. He yanked my top drawer right out of the bedside table, and grabbed the photograph. He stood, raising his arm as high as he could.
"Kyle!" I jumped, trying to retrieve the photo, whilst he gave me a cocky half-smile. "I'm going to watch it!"
"Then you won't mind it being in my hands, now, will you?" He winked at me and left the room, his arm still raised. I sneaked after him, and tried to leap for it again, but he turned quickly and punched me in the gut. I doubled over, groaning in pain.
"See ya at the party." He chuckled.

Kyle kept glancing at me during the party, the same cocky smile burned onto his face. Mum was introducing him as her boyfriend to all of our family, and it made my blood boil.
"My, my, Tabbi! You've grown since you've moved, haven't you?" My grandma pulled me into a tight hug at the party.
"It's only been six months, grandma." I laughed.
"Yes, but you're young. You youngsters are always growing."
Over my grandma's shoulder, I saw someone speaking to my uncle. I couldn't make out their face for a second, but it became clearer after a few seconds of squinting...Carver.

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