Chapter 6

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Walking into the Great Hall the next morning, I took a seat at the Hufflepuff table next to Alyssa. The hall was already getting crowded, and I blamed myself for not getting ready fast enough. Or at least for not waking up quick enough. The girls had tried many ways of getting me to wake up, but the only solution was to yank my blanket off. It works apparently, but I don't quite like the actual waking up part.

Grabbing a piece of toast, I started to butter it while starting up a conversation with Victoria, who had also joined us. " So, are you ready to start classes." I tried small talk, still trying to get used to this whole friend thing. I was a bit of an outcast as a child.

" Of course, but I don't think I'll do so good though." She confessed, grabbing a plate and filling it with eggs and sausage.

" How come?" Alyssa questioned, crumbs spilling out of her mouth from the food she was eating. I cringed back a bit at how messy that was but kept quiet about it.

" Well, I know absolutely nothing about magic. I'm clueless, and then there's people like you two who seem to know everything." She went on, and I noticed she started biting her nails. Pulling her hand away from her mouth, I gave her a look.

" You're going to see that none of us know anything. I hardly even had magic growing us as well you know. When I say my aunt taught me, I'm going to mention that I saw her for only three weeks in a whole year." I deadpanned, trying to make her feel better about her situation.

She loosened up a bit which made me happier, and she started to eat her breakfast again. Jolie soon joined us later on, looking very tired and still asleep.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as McGonagall entered the hall. Everyone looked over as she pulled small sheets of paper out of her bag and less than a second later, they were all flying in a directions across the room.

One landed in front of my plate and I immediately picked it up and started looking over it. It was our schedules for the year, and of course all of the needed first year classes were on there. As I was looking over it, Alyssa asked if we could compare it. Obliging , I handed it over to her and she held them up side by side. " They're about the same. Except our Potion classes and Charms classes are different," She mumbled out before looking up to Victoria and Jolie, " What about yours?" She asked, and for they exchanged their own.

Sighing, I took another bite of my food, unconsciously watching all of the students move in and around the Hall. On the other side of the room was the Slytherin table where it seemed that all the people sitting there hated being live. All of them were sneering at everyone else and had a foul mood in general. I thought Professor McGongall was joking when she said to stay away from them. Apparently they bring a lot of trouble.

Beside them was The Gryffindor Table, and they all looked excited as normal. I spotted the group of boys still together, all smiling wildly at each other. It didn't seem likely that I would really get back in the group. I don't even really think I was in it in the first place. I just sat in the corner of a train compartment as they actually talked.

" We should be going soon," Jolie's voice cut through my thoughts," We have to get to our Herbology class . I'm sure that we're going to be lost. " She huffed, finishing up her last bite. We nodded in agreement and without another word, all three of us stood up and exited the Hall.

Jolie was right, we did get lost. Thankfully, the ghost of Hufflepuff, Fat Friar, had been so kind to lead us in the right direction. I did have to say though, when a ghost walks through you It's one of the most oddest feelings. When we arrived at the greenhouse , I was quite displeased to see we were sharing the class with the Slytherin house.

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