Chapter 9

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It was Wednesday night and I was packing up all of my supplies I had laid out on my bed. Midnight was nearing and I had to start making my way towards the Astronomy tower on the separate side of the school. That meant that I had to carry my telescope the whole way there, which I wasn't so excited about.

The other girls had already left, leaving me to quickly finish my homework for Herbology the next morning. To my advantage, I hardly felt tired at all. I could of went on for hours more, and I bet I will. I don't feel like sleeping tonight, nor do I any night, but I just feel like I can't always rely on a blanket my whole life. Surely, when McGongall finds out , she would get on to me for being so idiotic, but I'll have to deal with it. 

I made my way out of the girls dormitories, through the large circular barrel doorways. The windows on top of the Hufflepuff basement, also known as the Common room, were enveloped with darkness. The fireplace brightly lit the room and illuminated the faces of a few sixth years, relaxing near it.

 I smiled at the view, but realized that I was going to be late if I didn't leave now. 

Rushing, I climbed out of the hidden cove and started to jog towards the moving stairwells. It took a while to navigate through the constantly changing stairs, not to mention trying to avoid Peeves as he tried to throw meatballs, that he stole from the kitchen, at me. I was completely out of breath when I made it to the tower. Unfortunately, I still had to make my way to the very top of it for class. Groaning, I forced my self to climb them and it made me feel like I had been hit by a Jelly-Legs curse. The weight of my telescope didn't help either, I'm going to have to make a note to check the Library to see if they have a book on reducing the weight things had. 

 When I had finally made it, I would have collapsed onto the floor if it weren't for Professor Owen's, a young pretty female teacher that had short brown hair, rushed me along to get set up. It seemed as I was one of the last people here out of the mixed group of all the houses. Finding Victoria and Alyssa, I set down my telescope beside them as they started to pester me about being late. 

" You should have came with us Thisbe, you were close to almost getting points taken off of Hufflepuff, or even worse, detention." Alyssa went on, quietly ranting to me making me roll my eyes. Sometimes I think she's more of a teacher's pet than I am. I don't care if I get a few points deducted, but sure, I might freak out if I get a detention. It would give McGongall a reason to hold back my extended studies.

For the next hour in a half, we stood up their in the blowing wind, practically freezing to death. I regret not bringing my jacket as I stood up there, rubbing the sides of my arms to create heat friction. I was in such a rush out the door that I had to be the stupid me and forget some of the things I actually needed. It wasn't long before everyone was either yawning or shivering to the bone and Professor Owens finally dismissed us. Taking a few minutes to pack up, my small group of friends slowly made our way down the stairs, seeing no need to be in a rush. We still had about thirty minutes to get back before our curfew for tonight, and still then I would just stay awake anyway. I had plenty of books to catch up on and I plan to go a few chapters ahead in my Defense Against the Dark Arts class, seeing as it wasn't my best subject.

There was a small group of other first year Hufflepuffs that were making our way back with us. We all crowded around the pile of barrels that concealed the Common Room. It was in a nook on the right hand side of the kitchen corridor, which a fourth year had told us the secret into getting into. You just had to tickle the pear in the painting. 

One of the boys of the group gave the password a try. Unlike the other houses, the Hufflepuff Basement is the only common room to have a defense mechanism if the password is done incorrectly. But instead of an actual password, one must tap the barrel two from the bottom, middle second row, in the rhythm of ' Helga Hufflepuff'. It's said that if you get it wrong, you would be doused in vinegar, which is very unappealing. Apparently, this happened five times this year from just one of our own Hufflepuffs getting it wrong and two attempts of a Slytherin trying to get in.

We all crawled through the access tunnel before coming out the door way. The room was empty, seeing as it was one in the morning. At least tomorrow we had a free period to catch up on sleep, which I was grateful for. I would certainly use it to my advantage. We made our way to our dorm and the girls didn't even bother changing out of their robes before flopping onto the beds. I huffed at them before setting my bag down and only taking out my books. I snuck out and laid across one of the large sofas by the fire, glad that the whole place was cleared out and not a sound was in range.

Grinning, I flipped through the book and settled down for a long night.


 " Thisbe! What the hell!?" A voice exclaimed in my ear, making me jump up and nearly gave a heart attack. I looked around and saw Victoria standing over me with a concerned look. I was still in the common room and my DADA book was flipped over on my chest. I had drool dried on my face and I cringed as I wiped it off. Wow, I'm so attractive. Groaning, I looked back up to the brown haired girl who still wanted an explanation. 

" Wha..." I muttered, still not being able to comprehend anything at this time in the morning. I must have exhausted my self out last night and fell asleep without even knowing. I wonder what time it is.

" Why did I find you passed out in here. How long were you up? Thisbe," She went on to a rant, forcing me to get up and go back to the dorm to get ready. I stumbled over to the entrance and half way there I fell face first onto the ground.

 I laid there for a few seconds before letting a long whimper, slowly accepting my fate.  I attracted mostly everyone's attention as they just stared at me. Victoria thought I was being ridiculous and walked back over, tying to pull me back up. She ended up dragging me a few feet before I picked my self off the ground, not enjoying the feeling of having my face squished into the floor.

 Right as I was trying to climb over the small foot or two at the dorm entrance, I tripped once more and fell down again.

This wasn't going to be such a productive day. Was it? 

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