Chapter 25

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" So, you don't know who actually did this to you?" Alyssa asked from the bathroom as she brushed her teeth.

I sighed loudly from my bed, currently taking my hair brush and combing out the long thick hair that I have been burdened with. With out it braided, the strands of blue curled around my bed and draped onto the floor , wrapping around my bed posts. "Not at all, I could have sworn it was those stupid Marauders, but they confessed to me that they had another Hufflepuff do this." I explained.

Jolie gasped, holding her head up by her hands and laying at the end of the bed to get in the conversation. "You mean they actually got a Hufflepuff to do their dirty work? That's unheard of!" She exclaimed.

"I know, and who ever it was knew about my prank book as well. They snatched it up and gave it to them."

"You mean the one Jolie bought you in America? You hardly even read it outside of your bed, I wonder how they knew about it." Alyssa asked, rinsing her mouth out.

"I don't know, but I'm not stopping until I get to the bottom of this." I told them determinedly. "What do you think Victoria?" I asked the long haired brunette. Looking over at her, she was laying on the yellow bed reading her potions book. She looked very worn and her jaw was stiff , she also held a very surprised look as she was called on.

"Oh, oh ya- It's absolutely awful . How would anyone even know that you read it. I mean, I've only seen you with it out side of the class once or twice. " She went on, her eyes continuing to skim the book.

She didn't sound quite like her usual self and Alyssa was the first to point it out. "Are you feeling well?" She questioned her in a wary tone.

Victoria looked up shocked ." Well. I don't know.  Maybe not, I have been feeling a bit off lately. " She rambled nervously.

"Maybe you should go see Madam Pomfrey." I suggested, feeling very concerned for her health. She was shaking and her voice had the slightest stutter to it.

"No, no I'm fine. You know, maybe I'll just go to sleep. I'm probably just tired." She got out, closing her book and turning over, covering her self under the sheets. We all sent worried looks towards her resting body, before going back to our conversation about who could have done it.

It was soon night time and I had to get some rest for an early delivery tomorrow morning, all the way to Bristol. I'm going to look ridiculous with the abnormal amounts of hair, but I'm going to have it all pinned up. Besides, when ever I get back from my little trip, I have some sweet revenge to make up for.


"Madam Lillian Knight, I do believe that is one of you correct?" I asked without even looking up, as I straightened out my skirt. Snapping my  golden compass shut, I let it drop back into my work uniform before observing the scene around me. In a little field by a cottage, a group of five women were having a small lunch outside, all dressed up in their finest silks.

A middle aged woman who had a long yellow dress stood up , and made their way towards me." Young lady, you have no permission to be on my property and you must leave at once. I don't even know how you got in the first place, you're to young for apparition." She said in a stuck up tone, point off into the direction behind me.

With a roll of my eyes, already having to experience this plenty of times, I went on." You are Lillian Knight correct?" I asked in a monotone voice. She huffed at my ignorance but nodded anyways. I got on with it and started to recite my speech." My name is Thisbe Robinson, The Official Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizarding Delivery Owl. I have come to you by request of Headmaster Dumbledore to deliver an important package that must be addressed immediately. Now, if you should please sign this to confirm you have received this package." And as I rambled on, I shoved a quill into her hand,  that never runs out of ink, and a piece of parchment paper.

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