Chapter 11

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The picture is an image of what Alyssa looks like.

" I just don't know why you insist I must to go to such a.. crude and vulgar game." I huffed, wrapping my black scarf around my neck.

" Quidditch is not ' crude and vulgar' for your information," Alyssa corrected me with a matter of fact tone," and besides, it's the champion ships. Not to mention that Hufflepuff is playing, how does that not excite you?"

I had to roll my eyes as I shoved on my winter boots, forcefully tying them as I was having a little fit. I really didn't want to go to the match, I had much better things to do. You know... reading, work, stuff like that. " I don't even understand the concept, nor do I want to learn. All I know is that plenty of people have been sent to the Medical wing because of it, and you name it, broken hands, legs, arms, noses-"

" Yes I know, broken everything, but there's no fun without a risk." She tried reasoning, her voice edging.

I sighed, knowing I didn't have an option to stay, and I picked my glasses up from my bed stand and fitted them on my face as I looked into the mirror. I had on my brownish yellow sweater with a plain white blouse underneath, you know for house spirit. My closet now consists mainly of the color yellow which I find funny, because before hand I wasn't really fond of the color. I guess opinions just change. I had my black jeans on as well, and of course my scarf, it's still quite chilly, but I think the outfit was simple enough.

I was rushed out the door and the common room before I could complain anymore. We spent a good while just making our way towards the pitch, many others from all of the houses joining us. This morning , the Great Hall was all decorated in banners of red and yellow, for the game, and that could only mean one thing.

Hufflepuff vs. Gryffindor

I cringed at the words. Knowing the Hufflepuff stereotype of us being weaklings, we all will know that if Gryffindors loose, they will seek revenge. They're too focused on regaining their dignity than anything else, and just what I've seen from loosing some small Quidditch matches, they can get dirty. I can't even begin to imagine what they will have for us if Hufflepuff so much wins the championships.

It would be the death of us to say the least.

Trudging up to the stands, I was pushed all around as everyone filled in the arena. I had a slight grimace placed on my face, as I was almost knocked to the ground three times. Finally, we had made it to the top and attempted to find the other two of our group. After a whole ten minutes, we had finally spotted them with seats near the center of the field which we were grateful for. I threw myself down and folded my arms, still wanting to show that I had no interest in this. Ugh, if I had one more minute back in the dorm I could have picked up a book to read or something.

" Would you look at that!" Victoria grinned to Jolie as she spotted me. " Miss.' I don't have bloody time for that, I have to study' decided to join us!" She mocked me in a jokingly manner. I shot her a look before crossing a leg over the other and looking out to the field. It was still empty, since the game started in about ten minutes, but the roaring of the houses never quieted down.

The others talked among themselves, occasionally pulling me in, but I just wasn't paying attention to bother. I was startled as I felt another person sit down beside me, looking up, my face quickly turned into a glare.

The Marauders.

I can't bloody escape them can I? First potions and Transfigurations and now even in my free time? All four of them were there, trying to squish into the small spot made for only three.

" Can't you find anywhere else to sit ?" I barked at them, making them acknowledge me. This brought grins onto Black and Potter's faces as the leaned back a little to face me.

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