Chapter 23

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"This is the best, I'm so excited we finally get to go to Hogsmeade!" Jolie exclaimed, skiping with joy as we walked down the snow covered path from Hogwarts. I smiled at her, and ran a hand through my snowy hair, pulling my jacket to my body for warmth.

"I almost thought my mum wouldn't let me come," Victoria mentioned from beside me," I had accidentally knocked my brother down the staircase and she got so worked up on me."

" How do you 'accidentally' knock someone down a staircase." Alyssa questioned the brunette, leaning over me to give a look to the girl.

Victoria grinned sheepishly and shrugged, " Ok, so maybe he was being quite the git that day. I got off saying it was an accident and only getting my owl taken away for a week." She went on, telling us of her mischievous ways.

I rolled my eye with a large grin," Way to really show your Hufflepuff side." I scoffed sarcastically, punching her shoulder lightly. Before she could defend her self, I changed the subject." So where are we going first when we get down there?"

" I don't know really," Jolie spoke up," We don't know where everything is, so I guess we'll just wing it."

" Ooo, I want to visit Honeydukes! Piper said that it has a new sweet out called Jelly Skulls. " Alyssa exclaimed. Piper was her older sister, the one in her, now seventh, year at Hogwarts. Sadly she was one of the egotistic Gryffindors that couldn't care for a Ravenclaw or a Hufflepuff like us. I remember seeing her when I stayed over at the Duncan's household, but all she did was constantly ignore everyone.

" We also need to go visit Zonko's , oh and what about the Shrieking Shack path..." I started rambling on about all the different kinds of shops that I've been dreaming to go in, and I hadn't noticed them stop to stare at me.

When I did realize that my friends weren't beside me anymore, I had turned around and caught them staring wildly at me." How do you know so much about Hogsmeade already, Thisbe?" Victoria cut short, walking up to me and placing an arm over my shoulder.

I stuttered and looked away, trying to fib but failing miserably. "I- I well... I over heard some fifth years-"

"You've already been there?!" Jolie shouted, startling us and a few other students nearby. I flinched back as they moved up closer to me so they could whisper angrily. "You used your Animagus to go to Hogsmeade already, didn't you huh?"

Clinching my teeth, I tried not to make it seem so bad." Yes, but I only flew over it. I never actually been in it. Please, forgive me." I begged, whining in a quite voice.

"So you never actually been around in it?" Victoria asked in a much calmer voice than the blonde.

"Of course! Even if I did someone from school or something would suspect a second year walking around at midnight. I wanted to share the experience with you." I sugarcoated that last part to help me.

Jolie huffed and kicked at the ground still kind of jealous. "Fine," She gave up, blowing out of her nose." Apology accepted." She granted. I smiled and gave her a large hug. We continued a little bit longer, trudging through the snow, until we came up to the train station that sat outside of the small village. We rushed past it and our small group followed me as I was the one who actually knew where everything is. As a request, we went inside Honeydukes the most popular candy shop around.

It was bustling with business and kids from the school were already packing into the place. We took our time going through everything from Candy Slugs, Sugar Quills , and made sure to grab some Jelly Skulls for Alyssa. We dug through all of our sweets as we sorted through the whole of Long Street. We spent some time in Zonko's, well at least I did as I picked up a whole bunch of different gags. After reading the book on tricks and pranks I had a small urge to try some out.

It took both Jolie and Alyssa to drag me out of the store after I couldn't stop getting excited over all the little things. We stopped by a few small novelty shops, and as a joke all three of the girls bought me a cute little glass Owl. I found it to be adorable so I shoved it into my bottomless satchel. It really just had the extension charm on it so I could fit a whole lot of stuff in it. McGonagall gave it to me for a Christmas gift.

Victoria had accompanied me into a small book store, but it wasn't long until I was dragged out of there as well. " I want to see the Shrieking Shack!"

" I heard it was just recently haunted by spirits only three years ago. Some nights you can hear the screams of souls." They went on as I was pulled along the path. As we stopped in front of a barb-wired fence, I had to suppress the urge to roll my eyes at my friends.

"It's a load of Codswallop I'd say, I've been by it hundreds of times and never have I heard anything." I stated with a sort of final tone in my voice.

Alyssa huffed loudly, drooping her arms in exaggeration," Well, maybe you weren't there on the right day or something." She tried to come up for a reason as she had to push away a shaking Victoria from leaching onto her arm. The brunette wasn't very fond of spooky things and my words weren't really helping.

"I'm telling you, there's nothing to be afraid of. I bet it's a kid trying to pull a prank or some animal." I went on, uncrossing my arms and gesturing to the rickety old wooden building not far away.

" For three years straight?" Jolie sighed.

"You'd be surprised at the amount of dedication people have."

"You're just being stubborn because you won't believe in spirits."

" I'm being perfectly reasonable, and I'm not stubborn!"

Before Jolie could argue back at me, a voice from behind us popped into our conversation. "- Oh but sweetheart, you are the most stubbornest of them all." A lacy smooth voice came out. My first reaction was to grow a glare at the person, already knowing who it belonged to.

" Shut it, Black." I snapped, looking over his group commonly known as the Marauders. I was just going to ignore the fact that he called me sweetheart for I would never date complete filth.

He grinned, and jumped off the snow covered log he was balancing on , making his way towards us. The other three boys trailing behind. As the boy approached me, he got really close trying to be intimidating and suddenly took one of my locks of platinum blonde hair and curled it on his finger as he stalked around me. I flinched away and pulled my hair back, about to yell at him for even touching me." I always wondered why you kept your hair so short, "He went on, cutting me off. "Don't you think It would look better longer, and maybe even with a bit more color too. It's looking a bit bland, don't you think? It kind of blends into the snow a bit."

"I will have my hair anyway I want you twit. Get out of here before I hex you into oblivion." I screeched at them, making him take a step up. The man I know now as my truest enemy, gave me a loud laugh and smirked. They didn't even say anything as they left the small area with no traces behind but their footprints.

I had the tempted urge to claw that man's eyes out with my talons, but murder would do me no good at this point. "Why do you think he cares about your hair?" Victoria spoke up,much more calmer than before.

" Maybe they're planing something?"

"I bet it's because he a creep."

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