Chapter 36

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I skipped a year because this story is gonna be too long. I have it planned out to when they're all grown up and in the golden era so expect that too.

"-And Thisbe, if I hear from your aunt that you've been getting in trouble at school I'll be very disappointed. " My dad went on as we drove to the Kings Station.

"Dad," I whined," You know I'm not like that."

"I know baby, but you're getting older and some kids might influence you to do things." He said with a concerned voice, reaching me across and patting me on the leg.

The Marauders. I guess they would get me in trouble. A whole school year had past since we first made truce and things have been going fine from there. All last year we were working on their animagi but with no final product. And every full moon I would stay up all night to watch over Remus. I had started hanging out with them more often too. I would eat with them, study with them, sometimes they would even invite me into their dorm.

And I am guilty of lying to my dad. Once our twice they did get me to use my animagi to help with a prank. But it always seemed harmless. A little fun never hurt anyone.

Actually I'm proud of my self. With so many friends now, I feel more accomplished then I ever have in my life. I never imagined my past self being so out there.

The car ride was silent with the exception of my large barn owl hooing in his cage. I stuck my finger in between the bars and he nipped at it. Rolling my eyes at the bird, I turned back to the front and pushed hair out of my face.

Another year at Hogwarts and another year of learning. Fourth year was all about preparing for the O.W.Ls and now fifth year is going to pure stressing over said exams. I've always been good at school I must admit but that does not mean I enjoy the process. Staying up late at night to finish two parchments and memorizing a whole potion doesn't sound so appealing. Especially since I've been conditioned to fly across the world almost every or other week.

Panic attack galore.

When we finally made it, we got out and dad got my trunk out of the boot of the car. I found a trolley for him to put it on and then I placed Esther on top of my luggage. Pushing it through the muggle station, many people have strange looks to the bird seeing as it's not a very common pet. I guess this day only comes around twice a year when the station is flooded by kids pushing trolleys with owls or frogs and asking for where platform 9 3/4 is.

Soon enough we made it to the brick wall, already seeing one family pass through it before us. Before I was a first year, McGonagall had told me the only way a muggle could go through was by holding a magic-folk. And I was happy to find that my dad could say his last goodbye as the train left.

Taking his hand in mine, we calmly pushed through the barrier. I smiled at the sight of the giant red Hogwarts train with all kinds of students bustling around it. Pushing my glasses up my nose, I pulled my dad along the platform so we weren't in the way.

Out of nowhere I heard my name being called. From the crowd in front of me popped out a sandy haired boy who had scars all over his body. His smile was lopsided and he was only a little bit taller than me. Which still, I am a very tall lady.

"Remus!" I exclaimed in excitement, pulling him into a hug. The lanky boy gave me a hug back and quickly pulled away after seeing my father. Turning around, I saw my dad clear his throat. " Oh, dad. This is Remus, he's one of the friends I was telling you about."

My dad raised an eyebrow and eyed the skinny boy. " Remus huh? Isn't he the smart one?" He commented.

The awkward boy nodded cheekily. "Yes sir," He held his hand out politely to shake his," Its Lupin sir."

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