Chapter 19

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I might of accidentally pressed publish once or twice on accident.

We had been released for summer break, and It was as just dull as ever. Father's at work, I'm all alone, and there's absolutely nothing to do. I had already finished my Herbology and Transfiguration homework, but those were simple. Now I was just exhausted from all of it. I have cramps in my hand from writing so much!

At this point, I don't think anything can make this summer more foul. Once again, McGonagall refused to let me spend it with her so I could see dad, but as we know, that's not going well. Once he gets home from work, he goes straight to bed and on his days off, he's either answering phone calls or working even more! It's an endless cycle, and I can't seem to see the good side of it.

Going down into the kitchen, I started to make myself a sandwich for lunch, but half way through I was disrupted by tapping at the window. Dropping the butter knife and slice of bread, I ran to the window with a wide smile. Pushing it open, Cider, Jolie's family owl, hopped onto the seal with a letter attached to his leg. I untied it quickly and let the owl hop onto the table, before closing the window. It looked like a bad storm was coming and I wouldn't want him out there.

I gave him his treat, and walked into the sitting room forgetting about my food. Plopping down into the large plush chair, I folded my legs over the arm and examined the letter. Pealing it open, I unfolded the letter and read through it.


  Remember the trip I told you my family and I were going on? Well, it's going wonderful. America is such a wonderful place, but It's very large I must say. They have weird neighborhoods and they call biscuits cookies?! It's absolutely insane here, but I love it. The muggles are very interesting, but aren't they always? Did you know that they don't drink tea? Or at least warm tea. They drink it cold and add way too much sugar. It's kind of gross. I also learned that they don't play much Quidditch here, instead it's called Quodpot. If you hate how dangerous Quidditch is, you're going to despise this. They throw some sort of ball around on a pitch until it explodes, wicked it is.

  Anyways, how are you doing? Victoria owled me and told me that she was staying with her brother in Ireland; how fun. I haven't gotten anything from Alyssa yet, but I think that might be because it takes a while for owls to fly across oceans. I hope everything's going well for you, as it is for me.

And don't worry, I'm still bringing you the Madcap Magic for Wacky Warlocks book you asked me for.

~ Jolie

I smiled brightly at her writing, and remembered her speaking of her soon to be trip to America, back in school. She seemed pretty excited about it, and it made me quite jealous because I was stuck in a house with nothing to do. Besides that though, I was happy to see she got me the book I was looking for. Unfortunately I couldn't find it at any stores in London, and I had asked if she had seen it there, that she would get it for me and I would pay her.

It was a book all about tricks and humorous spells, and I planed to get pay back on The Marauders next time they prank me. I'm not normally the one to fight back, but they just piss me off to a whole new level.  It would be sure to leave a mark on their ego, since the book has highly advanced transfiguration spells. It makes me sort of excited just thinking about it.  

Well, they do say Hufflepuffs know how to get revenge. We may be known as innocent, but that doesn't mean we don't hold grudges.

I spent a while writing a response of how I was just stuck in the house. I did however tell her to bring us back some American candy and souvenirs, It would be pretty cool seeing as I'm not going there any time soon. Maybe one day, but certainly not today.

Sighing, I remembered about my half made sandwich and ran back down stairs. Putting a new record on, I swayed to it as I finished up my delightful food.


" Why don't we go grab some ice cream, I've been dying to try out the new peanut butter flavor for a while." Alyssa exclaimed, pulling my hand as we weaved through the people of Diagon Alley.

"O-ok, we don't have to run." I laughed, keeping up with the dark haired girl.

When Alyssa had sent me a letter this summer, she had invited me to stay with her until we went back to school. My father agreed, after I begged him for over a day. I do have good pleading skills I must say. It was a relief from my boring life, and I was glad to have friends.

Alyssa's house is the complete opposite from mine. It's constantly hustling and is very loud. I found it quite odd how I didn't remember anything about her family. She had two brothers, the eldest already working and the other was about to start school , and a older sister that was a sixth year. You would think I would've meet her once or so, but apparently she's an egotistical Gryffindor and is always messing around with her groupies.  Her mother and father though were very welcoming, and it was nice being around them as they let me into their abode.

As the family, big brother excluded, went to Diagon Alley, Alyssa immediately pulled me away to get our third year supplies. She kept on complaining about her stuck up sister and her way too eager brother, that she couldn't stand being near them for another hour. I don't blame her, If I had siblings around me like those, I would freak out.

 Strolling up to the Parlor shop, we made our way inside and sighed happily at the air conditioning. A few other kids and their parents were queued to get their sweets. We joined the line and soon enough, Alyssa was getting her peanut butter ice cream.

" And for you dear?" The man across the counter asked. It didn't take long for me to choose the Peppermint flavor, knowing I would enjoy it the most.

I did warn you that I had an addiction to it.

Sitting out side at one of the tables, we laughed at each others stories from when we were growing up. I told her about my frog incident, and even a time when I floated all the silverware to the ceiling and we couldn't find any of it for days.

" Wow, that's really odd." The dark skinned girl laughed.

" How so? Surely that's happened too you as well." I asked with unsure chuckles.

She scrunched her eyebrows up and shook her head. " No, not at all. That never happened with anyone in my house hold, you must be special." She joked, going back to picking at her ice cream with a spoon.

I wasn't how ever laughing, taking in the words. Was that not normal for young wizards? Was I just really special? No, It must just not of been a thing in her family. I'm perfectly fine.

I lazily scooped up a bite of my sweet, and shoved it in my mouth. I put on a smile as the taste melted on my tongue.

I'm not different.

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