Chapter 10

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Christmas break was only a day away and I was absolutely planning on going back to my father for the holiday. I was all packed and ready to go, there was just one more thing I had to do before I left. I was making my way through the large Hogwarts castle, getting lost in about five different corridors, before I had stumbled upon the Teacher's wing. It was kind of mentioned that students shouldn't be allowed to go down this hall way, but I just had to see McGonagall before I left.

So I started to look around, but all there was in the secluded hall were scattered paintings, all of them curiously looking at me. I was told off by many off them to get out, before one finally decided to speak up. " May I help you dear?" A calm and collected voice came from beside me, making me spin around. There on the wall, was a portrait of a young woman in a beautiful blue gown, staring down at me from the side.

I turned towards her completely, clearing my throat and everything as I held a small box in my hand. " Uh, I was just wondering where I can find Professor McGonagall's room ma'am." I tried to be as polite as possible, in hopes that she could cooperate. Suddenly, from the side of her painting, a large old woman made her way through, glaring at me.

" Don't bother with her Dalbure, it's just some other student trying to pull a prank." She huffed, addressing the much younger and more posh girl. Dalbure must be some sort of French name. I quite like it.

I tried to open my mouth to protest before I was interrupted again," Yeah, remember that sixth year Ravenclaw coming up here last year to get Sir Slughorn? He got pretty knackered. " A man's voice sounded from behind me, causing me to jump.

" Oh shut it you two," The young lady in the painting scowled at them, giving them disapproving glares. She suddenly looked back at me with a sweet smile, lifting her eyebrows up," McGongall's? Is there any certain reason you wish to see her?" She asked.

I stuttered for a moment, then glanced down at the box in my hand. It was a present wrapped in bright Gryffindor colors for my aunt, and I was debating if I should tell my relationship with the teacher to them. Who am I kidding, they're just a bunch of paintings. Not to mention, It's mostly my only way to get by. " I- um, I'm her niece. I was just wanting to drop her Christmas present before I left." I told her truthfully.

The old fat lady gave me a challenging look before huffing once more, turning her head the other way. Dalbure only smiled, and nodded. " Well that's nice of you, I didn't even know she had a niece." She mentioned the last part with her mind wandering off.

" That's why we shouldn't trust her!" The man protested but she only ignored him, the clad lady rolling her eyes. She only leaned forwards slightly, pushing a strand of her long silky black hair out of her face, before pointing just a few feet down the hall.

" You'll find her room just a few paintings down. It's the one with the fox and the grey cat, you can't miss it."She explained, a smile forming on her face. I grinned back and gave a small nod before making my way down to where she pointed it out, much to the demise of the man in the painting. There, just as she said it would be, was the fairly large painting from the ground up to taller than her. On the canvas were two creatures, both not even noticing the small child as they played with each other in she small little wooden area they had. The fox would always run up the bark of a tree before the cat could get to it, causing it to, as It would look like, to snicker.

Guessing that this was some sort of enchanted door that needed a password, I just hesitantly knocked on the door causing the two creatures to stare wide eyed at me. Looking at it more closely had me wondering. That cat closely resembled McGongall's very own animagus, but I had no clue of what the fox represented. I was ripped from my thoughts as the painting flew open, causing me to stumble back a bit. In front of me stood my aunt, as dressed in her normal black robes and she had her small thin wired glasses on. She was a small strict frown on her face, but as she realized it was only me, a smile replace it.

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