Chapter 8

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It was already three months into the school year and I already felt completely settled in. It takes a while to realize that this would be my home for the next seven years or so, which looking back at it might not be much.

I was settled underneath a large willow tree , overlooking the lake.  It was a good day to be outside, no rain and only sunshine. I was working on writing a one foot essay on my Wednesday double Magical Theory class. Jolie had come with me to practice her Transfiguration homework, in hopes that I would help her. Apparently, I'm also doing very well in the subject. 

It's what I expect from my self, all good grades. It's the only way I'm earning the right to learn how to be a legal Animagus. That's what's stopping me. I would already be, and I admit, trying to teach myself, if it weren't for the fact that it's practically illegal to become one without registration.

" Hey, Thisbe, what's the spell to turn something into a bird again?" Jolie asked me, narrowing her eyes in front of the teapot sitting in a cage. I raised my eyebrows and leaned over to her, giving her a silly grin.

" You've been trying to turn it into a bird? I just thought you were screaming at a teapot for no reason. Maybe you were just mental." I joked, setting my book down, and scooting closer to her.

She laughed at me with a dead tone, giving me a look, before placing the cage in front of me. " Just teach me."

" It's the Avifors Spell. So," I paused to pick up my wand from beside me," when you're casting it, you move your hand in a sideways figure eight." I stated, before trying it out myself. It took only three tries before an electric blue mist seeped out from my wand and shot towards the teapot. Out of no where, a small Blue Jay appeared. He hopped around the cage he was trapped in, trying to find a way to escape.

" Awesome! You just completed my homework for the weekend! Thanks!" She exclaimed, holding her hand up for a high five. I rolled my eyes at how easily she got away with using my work, but still didn't miss out on the gesture. I was about to set back down in my spot before a yell sounded from not far away. 

" AH! Get them off! Get them off!" A boy shouted, squirming around as a group of out of control bats attacked him. Both Jolie and I shot up and ran to him, not knowing what to do. Jolie insisted I did something, but I didn't even know what would of caused this. Eventually, the little winged creatures scattered away, flying towards the forest, letting us help the boy back up. He flinched back when Jolie had pulled him up by his arm, making her let go. He was still in a quite panicked mood, looking at the two of us.

I knotted my eyebrows, taking a look at what had happen to him. There were scratches all over his face and arms, and his hair was just a huge mess. I couldn't tell the color of his tie, or what house he was in, but that was the last of my worries. " What bloody happened?" I asked with an incredulous tone. 

He grunted and stood up straight, dusting his robes off. " Those stupid Marauders is what happen. Now move you worthless Hufflepuff," He huffed before pushing past me, making me almost fall onto the grass. I glared at his back as he rushed back to the castle. What an git, he's lucky I didn't give him another hex. 

" Another Slytherin?" I asked, running a hand through my hair and licking my lips.

" You guessed it." Jolie sighed, putting a hand on my shoulder. 

As we were walking back to collect our stuff, seeing as today's lovely mood had vanished, I had thought about what the boy had said. " He mentioned the Marauders, right?" I heaved, scowling at my bag as I shoved my text books back inside of it. 

" Yeah, but I think he deserved it this time. He was being a total ass." She voiced her thoughts, standing beside me with her cage in her hands.

I gritted my teeth and stood up, slinging my bag over my back. " I don't care. Those stupid nit wits need to stop messing with everybody." I proclaimed, starting to walk back with her," I mean, have you seen what they did to Xavier Woodland! They exploded his food and left his hair singed."

Jolie snorted, remembering being only five feet away from him when it happened and laughing until she had started to cry. Ok, so maybe she wasn't the most caring out of the group but she had a sense of humor. Not really.

" I'm sure they're just messing around. It will end some time soon, it has to." She finally commented, pulling her self together. I bit my tongue and kept quite as we started to head towards the Great Hall. Surely sometime soon dinner would start. 

We were half way there, navigating through the long extensive halls, before suddenly out of no where a whole body slammed into me, causing me to fall to the ground. Groaning, feeling some pain from where I hit my head, I looked up to see who had hit me. Under normal circumstances, I would of just helped them up and laugh it off as nothing, but never would I do such thing when one of the most ignorant boys of the school was on the floor beside me.

" Speak of the devils," Jolie muttered, taking me by the arm and pulling me up. I steadied myself and glared at Sirius Black and beside his figure were the rest of his gang. This was the first time since the train that we've all been together , beside in Potions class. In which the only conversation I have is with Remus to ask to look forwards and help me with making the actual potion. He was always being distracted by the ruthless trouble makers.

Sirius grinned at us, jumping up and giving Jolie a mischievous look. " You ladies have been talking about us I see?" He cracked at us. 

" Yeah, about how much of idiots you were." I retorted, fixing my buttoned up shirt while scowling.

" Woah, now when did the Hufflepuffs get so angry." James laughed, making his black haired friend smile back at him. My gaze caught the other two 'Marauders' as you would call them, but they both avoided eye contact with me and stared at the ground. I noticed that the only one that I thought I could stand, Remus, which I soon learned was just as bad, looked extremely exhausted. He was slumped over and dark circles and bags were surrounding his eyes. For a flicker there, I had felt kind of pitiful towards him before it went away quickly. Looking back at the main two, the ones with boots shoved up their asses, I realized that they were right. 

I was never like this before. Never in my life have I had so much hatred boiled up for someone, and even with that, never have I wanted to release it. I was always the quiet one, the loner, the antisocial, you name it, but now I actually feel like I have a voice. This whole place was changing me.

I stuttered over my words slightly and huffed, throwing my nose up in the air, acting as if I was still winning this conversation even though I wasn't even close. They knew too, but before they could say a word I took hold of Jolie's forearm and continued to pull her back into the direction of the Great Hall.

" That kind of went south fast." She whispered to me as I rushed us.

" Yes I know, shut it." I told her quite embarrassed at how I handled that conversation. The plump blonde headed girl only snorted once more before pulling away from my grasp and following me on her own leads.  Walking into the Hall, no one paid attention to the two Hufflepuffs as they rushed to grab a seat with their friends.

" Surprise, we just found out Thisbe's one of the worst bad ass people I've ever seen."

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