Chapter 20

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Squeezing my way through the small hallway of the train, I dragged Esther along in his cage before I finally spotted Lily in one of the compartments. Sighing heavily, I pulled the door open and was welcomed by a large hug. " Thisbe!I never got a response from my last letter, what's been wrong?" She asked with a high tone, letting me set down the heavy cage.

" Oh, nothing-nothing's been wrong Lily, Esther was just too tired and there wasn't much time before I would see you. Thought It would do no harm, but as I see-" I tried to explain, before being cut off by the red head.

" Never mind then, I understand." She fathomed. I gave her a smile, before sitting down next to my owl. I let him nip at my fingers as I started up a conversation with my friend. " So, anyhting happen over the summer?"

"Not much. Sadly my sister Petunia couldn't  get over her grudge of me being a wizard and such. She keeps calling me a freak and It kind of hurts," She told me sadly," I just wish we could have a better relationship, instead of the constant bickering."

I placed a hand on her shoulder as a comfort, and she looked back up to me." I'm sure it will pass over Lily, just give it time."

Before she could give her comment, the door slammed open and this time, my own dorm group bursts in. " Thisple!" Victoria called.

" Stop giving me nicknames!" I outbursted, maybe a bit too loud.

" Never mind that, " Alyssa passed it off," We've been looking all over for you! I turn around for five seconds and you're already out of sight. You're unbelievably agile you know?" She panted, still trying to catch her breath.

Lily felt quite uncomfortable with the new people in the compartment. She knew that they were her friends, and they had met once of twice, but they never really talked. Though she noticed how close Thisbe was with them and spoke up," Would you like to join us in here?" She asked.

" We would be delighted," Jolie spoke up for them from the back of the group. She pushed them along and they tumbled in, finding seats with the girls. The long hair blonde looked as if she had just remembered something, and she pulled aside her tote bag. She plucked out a large heavy book, dropping it into my lap. " The book you requested. I find it odd you want it though, you don't come off one for pranks."

" Pranks?" Lily exclaimed, turning to me. " Don't tell me you're joining the rag-tag's side?" She asked me with surprise.

I scoffed loudly, starting to flip through the book. " Nonsense," At that she relaxed and fell back into her seat," It's only for precautions. If they decided to be tricky, they'll have something going for them." I reassured them, stopping on a random page about transfiguring humans into turtles.


Snapping it close, I shoved it into my own bag to look at later. I'll be sure to memorize some good ones, just for good measures.

I believe this year will be quite fascinating to say the least.


"-and remember, no magic in the halls between blocks, and no one shall enter the Forbidden Forest at any point." Dumbledore boomed in his loud voice." Now, dig in." He smiled, waving his hand and before us our feast appeared. Noises of delight sounded throughout the hall and everyone rushed to get food on their plates.

" Don't you think you have a bit too much, Alyssa?" Jolie questioned, looking down to her friends plate, that was piled high with pork chops, steaks, and sausages.

" Ah, never is there enough. It's a delight I say." She mused in a dreamy tone before cutting a slice of steak off and shoving in her mouth. She was over joyed and continued to shove her face with more. We all laughed at her, before feeding ourselves. I had only grabbed a scoop of mashed potatoes and roast, mixing it together, along with a cup of pumpkin juice. A smaller portion was fine with me, seeing as I easily get filled.

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