Chapter 18

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It was only a few days after, that I was sitting under my normal Oak wood tree over looking the lake. Like always, I was studying for the exams that were in a week. Now with the animagus training off my shoulders, I felt much more free to do things I enjoyed. You know.... read, study , those things.

I live a thrilling life.

Besides that, everything has been running smoothly. No interruptions, no random wings appearing, just peace. It was quite relaxing to say the least, except for the pressure for get good grades on exams. But I'm not so worried about that.

Victoria and Alyssa were with me as well, practicing along beside me. They always went to me for help because they think I know it all. Which, If I tried a little more, I could, but just because I'm top of my class doesn't mean I know everything. On the bright side, we didn't even have classes today. Thank god it's Sunday, and to make it even better, the sun was shining brightly. It almost constantly cloudy here and it's nice to have a change for once.

" We have a whole foot long essay from Slughorn, I swear if any of these teachers pile more homework on us I'll burn them." Alyssa grumbled, leaning back on the tree and continuing to finish her paper for Transfiguration.

" Don't get too violent there." Victoria told her sarcastically. The dark skinned girl only stuck her tongue out at her. " Rude."

I was about to make a witty comment, but I was interrupted. " Hello," A small voice came from beside me. It was a small lean boy with blonde messy hair stood above me, he had to of been a year older or so, but I couldn't tell. " Are you Thisbe Robinson?" He asked me, looking down to a small letter in his hand.

" Yes,"

" This is for you then, good day." He handed me the letter before stalking off with his Ravenclaw robes bellowing behind him. I looked down to the letter, and it had the official Hogwarts stamp on it, sealed in red wax.

The other two girls scooted closer and looked over my shoulders, eyeing the envelope. " It's from the school?" Victoria questioned. I shrugged before tearing the seal open and pulling out a good quality scroll. Written with a neat handwriting, it read,

Dear Miss. Robinson,

Due to recent activities involving yourself and your registration, I invite you to come up to my office urgently. Mr. Turmant from the Ministry is here to finish your papers and mark you for confirmation.

The password is Sugar Quills.

~Professor. Dumbledore

I gasped, pulling the letter to my chest before the others could read it. They protested, as they watched me pack up all of my books and my quill.

" Thisbe, what was it?"

" It's a personal problem," I fibbed, " Please, can you take my bag to our dorm, I don't think I'll be back for a bit." I rushed them, before shooting up and sprinting across the field. I ignored the stares from everyone as excitement overwhelmed me. It took a while, but I had finally ran all the way to the gargoyles trying to catch my breath. I really needed to get into shape, but I don't think it will happen any time soon.

After spending a whole minute trying to catch my breath, so I didn't look like a fool in front of two very important people, I finally walked up to the statues who were eyeing me. " Sugar Quills." I sighed, and they unraveled their wings to let me by. I trudged up the stair case and knocked on the fancy wooden door.

" Please, come in." Came a loud powerful voice from the other side.

I opened the hinged door, and peered inside, spotting three adults. Of course Dumbledore was there, Mr. Turmant as well. I also spotted my aunt, sitting in one of the royal red chairs, in front of the Headmasters desk. " Ah Thisbe," She told me, " Take a seat will you." She told me strictly, gesturing to the second seat beside her.

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