Twenty: Change of Scenery

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**CHAPTER SONG: Rihanna - Stay (Branchez Remix)**

**CHAPTER SONG: Rihanna - Stay (Branchez Remix)**

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"Whisky on the rocks please." I told the barman who couldn't seem to take his eyes away from my chest.

"It's a good thing that Boss sent me to check up on you instead of coming over himself isn't it?" Charlie's voice made me jump slightly as I turned to see him now stood next to me, gesturing to another barman with his finger.

"And why is that?"

"The poor barman wouldn't have a chance. He'd have probably had his eyes scooped out by now for looking at you like that."

"Well... Yeah I guess."

"You know."

"Okay, damn it I know." We both chuckled lightly as I was served my drink.

"She's taken by a much scarier man than you want to deal with." Charlie warned the guy who had served me. "And no, it's not me. So scram boy." He looked momentarily frightened before turning away to serve someone else, which earned more laughter from the two of us.

"You like to drink the hard stuff don't you?"

"Well where's the fun in drinking a girly cocktail?" I asked and gave him a wink before finishing my drink and sliding the glass over the bar.

"I knew there was another reason why I liked you." He took a sip of his own drink before we both turned to face the room but leant back against the bar, scanning everyone's conversations.

"So how's all this gossiping going for Jay?" I asked, spying a nervous group of guys who seemed to stick together everywhere they went. "I decided to give him some space after I winked at like the sixth guy who was over fifty. I actually feel dirty, I can't believe he made me go around flirting. What if they want more?" I turned to Charlie with raised eyebrows. "What if I end up with a small army of OAPs with their walking sticks just chasing me around, demanding more flirting and winking? What would I do then? How would I even begin to-"

I was cut off by Charlie's unstoppable hysteria, his eyes streaming as he laughed at me and actually bent over, struggling to stay stood up.

"This isn't funny. You and Bones are crap at supporting me." I managed but found myself also laughing with him, until we had caught a few too many eyes to be comfortable.

"You're unbelievable you know that?" He asked me once he'd composed himself.

"Well I do try." I sent him another wink before flagging down a bartender and asking for refills on both of our drinks.

When I turned back to him, I saw that his whole body had gone still, watching the entire room. I didn't say anything for a moment, wondering if he was just lost in his own head, but I knew something was wrong as soon as he began to speak.

"Do you trust me?" He murmured, not looking away from the room and not moving.

"With my life." I whispered back, taking my drink and knocking it back, knowing that it would be my last if things were about to go downhill.

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