Twenty-Two: Traitor

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**CHAPTER SONG: Panic! At The Disco - The Good, The Bad and The Dirty**

Another six weeks of the same gruelling schedule passed before I saw Kaspar Straine again but unfortunately, as I was led back down to the cellar that I was originally kept in, I knew something bad was about to happen

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Another six weeks of the same gruelling schedule passed before I saw Kaspar Straine again but unfortunately, as I was led back down to the cellar that I was originally kept in, I knew something bad was about to happen.

"Jessie, how lovely it is to see you again." Kaspar taunted as I was pushed down onto a chair and tied to it with a painful grip by two men I had never seen before. I instantly began to panic on the inside because this was the same chair that I was tied to and tortured on in the early days of my captivity here in order to gain my submission. But on the outside, I had learned to make myself expressionless in order to keep a slither of my dignity in the face of unimaginable pain that I knew was to come.

"May I ask what is in store for me today or would I be wasting my breath?" I said without emotion, earning a smirk from Kaspar.

"If you're cooperative then you'll come to no harm sweetheart but I guess that's your decision to make, isn't it?"

"If you give me a minute then I'll get back to you on that one." I joked but refused to smile which only made him grin even more.

"I love that even after weeks of training, torture and isolation, you've still got that sarcastic sense of humour that I both love and hate."

"Well I do try to entertain where possible."

"You see this is where the real entertainment truly begins sweetheart, it's all just about to get started for real." He stepped towards me and cupped my face, tilting it so that I had to look into his eyes.

"I don't know if you've noticed Kaspy but I've come to find myself in a place where I don't give a shit anymore, so whatever you have in store for me you can just get on with it. It's no longer of consequence to my mental or physical wellbeing because I just don't care anymore."

"You see," he laughed and stroked my cheek lightly. "That is exactly where I want you. So thank you for reassuring me that my plan has been working because now that you're broken, I can really begin with the main event." I blinked but didn't move an inch as he let go of my face and turned to the door of the cellar where a man dressed in a sharp suit walked in, his hair slicked back and a light stubble covering his jaw. If I hadn't become a numb, emotionless machine then I would probably have blushed slightly at his attractiveness but unfortunately the former statement rang true. I just didn't care anymore.

"Jessie this is Curtis, he's going to be spending a couple of hours with you this morning and hopefully you'll get along just fine." Curtis grabbed a chair from the corner of the room and brought it in front of me, sitting down gracefully and taking off his suit jacket.

"Well isn't this lovely? I've been gagging for some company since... Oh wait, no I haven't." I snapped and I saw Curtis' mouth turn upwards slightly whilst Kaspar cackled as he began to walk out.

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