Twenty-Three: What Happened To You?

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**CHAPTER SONG: Jess Glynne - Take Me Home**

**CHAPTER SONG: Jess Glynne - Take Me Home**

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Coming to after being drugged was like being hit by a freight train; not particularly nice. When I finally managed to open my eyes, I found myself sat in an alleyway, propped up against the wall and in between two dumpsters. The smell wasn't great but the fact that I was alone and could hear the sounds of civilisation was more than comforting. 

I dragged myself up into a standing position and stumbled, holding onto one of the dumpsters then cringing away at the thought of all the germs.

"What the fuck is going on?" I muttered to myself, running a hand through my lank hair and wondering why on Earth after keeping me captive for two months, had Kaspar simply dumped me somewhere. What was his plan?

I looked down the alley to see a busy street at both ends, making my heart race as I sprinted towards the closest one and stopped as I reached the path, cars and people everywhere. I couldn't stop the grin that appeared on my face as I saw a the sign for a tube station across the street.

"Edgware Road. I'm in London." My face lit up and I looked up to the sky, closing my eyes and silently thanking the Gods for giving me the opportunity to get out of the desolate hole that I'd been kept in. I was about to cross the road to head into the tube station when I realised that I had no money, no phone, no belongings, nothing. I had no way to even contact anyone for help.

"Excuse me?" I tried to ask a passerby but they simply pushed past. "Excuse me?" I asked someone else but people seemed to be shying away from me and rushing past, obviously not wanting to help a girl who was dirty and smelt like a rubbish tip.

"Hey you!" I heard a gruff voice call from behind me. I turned to see a homeless man sat on the path, looking at me and gesturing for me to go over.

"Can I help you?" I asked, not sure what the poor guy wanted.

"No one will ever stop for you, everyone is too busy in their own lives to help anyone. But you're welcome to stick with me for a while if you need." He gave me a genuine smile but I struggled to feel the emotion needed to feel sorry for him. How strange.

"You think I'm homeless?" I asked, then realised that I sort of was until I could find a way to communicate with Jay or the others in Nottingham. I didn't even have a place in London anymore, how stupid of me to rely solely on someone else. What was I thinking before? The time in captivity had seemed to clear my head of any unwanted emotions that clouded my judgement and I could suddenly see my entire situation with astounding clarity and without bias. I was a fool.

"You seem like you're in a spot of trouble little lady." The guy replied and I sighed, sitting down next to him against the wall and closing my eyes.

"I think that would be an understatement."

"Wanna talk about it?" I opened my eyes and turned to look at him properly for the first time, wrapped up in numerous layers and a sleeping bag, he must have only been thirty. I held my hand out for him to shake.

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