H u n t e r - c h e e r s

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Celebrating Pearl's birthday was different this year. A lot different. For many reasons, and I'd choose her absence as the main one. 

She wasn't there, but I decided to celebrate either ways.

"Cheers," I lifted the bottle of beer in the air, as I smiled at her framed picture in front of me. 

I laughed at her stagnant expression but I choose to ignore it.

I was so drunk, and it made everything better...more fun.

"Happy birthday, my Pearl," I slurred then stabbed the cake I brought home for her party. "I wish you all the fucking best. May every bloody dream you have come true. God bless your damn soul, my love."

Crumbs of the cake escaped my lips after my first bite, and it made me laugh even more. 

"You know, Pearl?" I asked the picture. "I met a girl. Her name is Hannah and she shares the same birthday with you. She's nice, nicer than you. You know why, Pearl? Because she celebrated it with me, not with a another fucking pretty boy at an expensive restaurant."

I breathed before I continued my rant.

"You know what else is weird, Pearl? You didn't know how to fucking pronounce the restaurant's name when you were with me, so congratulations, I'm sure you can spell it now like a goddamn spelling bee."

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