Chapter 19

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"Okay so I took a test and well I am........."

"What spit it out"

"Yeah tell us"

"Well i'm pregnant"




"How long?"

"I don''t know"

"How do you not know"

"I just found out"


"Well have you told Oliver"

"*laughs* That's funny"


"You thought i told Oliver"

"Tell me what"

I spun my head to see Oliver standing in the door way. I almost dropped my phone.

"Girls i'm going to have to call you back"

I hanged up the phone.

"So what do you have to tell me"

"Oliver sit down'

"Shit, your breaking up with me right"

"No, Why"

"Your not, oh then never mind"

"I going to tell you something and don't be mad cause i just found out today"

"Okay what is it"

"Oliver, i'm....."

*Oliver's point of view*

"Oliver, I'm......"

What came out of her mouth was so surprising . My mouth was wide open when she told me she was pregnant. Maybe it's time to end this thing.

*Later that night*

I woke up and Jessica was watching TV.

"Babe do you wanna go check to see how old the baby is"

"Sure, Let me get my coat'

We drove to the hospital. Jessica laid on the bed while i sat on the couch. The nurse came back in the room with everything about the baby.

"Well, he is 5 months old, it is both of your child, very strong and healthy, still growing"

"Oh he's a boy"

"Yes sir, and he is yours"

"That's good to know"

"If something happens to the baby or her would she have to get a C section, Just asking because I've seen it in shows"

"Well sir, i see you have done your research, so yes"

"Well that's unlikely Oliver"

"I know Jessica, just asking"


*Even later in night*

Jessica was sleeping on the couch at home. I tried to helped her upstairs. She had slipped and well i thought. "I could catch her or i could her fall and go back to the hospital and get my baby". So I let her fall down a whole flight of stairs. I ran down stairs and checked her pulse. She was becoming cold. I picked her up and ran to the car. We drove to the hospital.

"Sir, what happen"

"She fell help her"

"Okay over here"

They rushed her to the OR. I waited a few hours. The doctor came out of the room.

"I'm sorry, your girlfriend didn't make it"

"What about the baby"

"He's safe"

"Oh at least i will have something to remind me of her"

"I guess that is an upside"

"When can i see him......"

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