Hospital trip

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Colette's P.O.V:

I saw Bella jump out of the car.

"Bella wh- Bella no!" I cried, but it was too late.

She had fell out of the car, and smacked her head on the ground. She rolled to the side of the highway, as I stopped the car. I kept screaming her name.

I got out and ran to her.

"Oh my god Bella!" I screamed, as I felt tears run down my cheeks.

She was lying on the floor passed out on her own blood.

I continued to cry, as a crowd formed around me.

"Someone help her!" I yelled.

"I'll call a ambulance!" A person yelled, as they dialed 911.

"Bella, oh baby, I'm sorry." I cried, as I held her small hand. I knew I shouldn't hold her head, because if I moved her she could have head damage.

A few minutes later the ambulance showed up.

"M'am, we need you to move over." They said.

"No! I can't leave my little girl!" I screamed through tears.

"We need to put her on the stretcher." They said. I nodded, giving in, as they put her on it, and did medical things. Pretty soon, they loaded her into the ambulance.

"M'am are you riding with us?" He asked.

"I'll take my car, I can't see her like that anymore." I said, as they nodded. I got in the car, and drove in back of the ambulance. The tears were flowing down my cheeks.

Why her?


"Hello?" Shay said, as he picked up the phone. I was in the waiting room of the hospital, waiting frantically for them to tell me any news.

"S-Shay." I said. He must of noticed my change in tone.

"Colette, what happened?" He asked, worriedly.

"B-Bella's in the hospital." I chocked out as I cried.

"I'm coming." He said, as he hung up.


"Colette." Shay said, as he ran and engulfed me in a hug. I sobbed as I hugged him hard. He clung onto me as we both hugged, and cried.

"Did they tell you anything?" Shay asked.

"All they told me was that they were taking her to surgery." I said, as I cried. Sy he hugged me.

"Colette, we are gonna get through this, okay? Bella's our little fighter. She's our strong little girl." Shay said, as I cried into his chest.

"It's my fault." I cried.

"She doesn't consider us as family. I try so hard, but she doesn't except us as family. And she unlocked the door to get out of the car because of me!" I said.

"Colette, she still needs a little time. Even if it takes years, she will always be our little girl no matter what." Shay said, as he hugged me.

"Your right." I said.

"Okay, now the hard part is waiting." He said, as we sat down.


"Colette Butler? Shay Butler?" A doctor called.

"That's us!" Shay said, as we walked over to him.

To be Continued

Haha, you thought I was gonna tell you what was gonna happen.


I'm very evil.

Anyways, maybe another update will come today!

Ily guys!

Im calling you my tard instead of my llamas, cause yeah!


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