The news

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Colette's P.O.V:

"How is she?" I asked, as Shay stood next to me.

The doctor sighed.

"Bella Butler is not doing good. She took quite a fall. When she fell, she hit her head, hard, which caused internal bleeding and a concussion. We were able to stop the bleeding, and maintain it. There was a complication in surgery, but we managed to stop it. She is in a room right now, in recovery." The doctor said.

"Can we see her?" Shay asked.

"Yes, she. Should be waking up soon. But I must warn you." He said.

"About what?" I said.

"When she wakes up, she can have some perceptual brain symptoms. It means when a person could loose there sense of hearing, touch, or eyesight, and when the senses are all mixed up. Or, she can't tell the concept of time, or what time it is, or the type of dimension she is in." The doctor said.

"Oh no." I said, as tears came up in my eyes.

"But the most common ones for her are loss of sight, loss of hearing, or loss of touch. I just wanted to prepare you for what might happened. You can go see her, she's in room 345." He said.

"Thank you." We said, as we walked to her room.


"Let's go." I said, as Shay nodded. We entered her room, and immediately, I saw, her head was bandaged up. She had a IV attached to her arm. I came closer to her.

"Bella, baby, we love you, and I hope you wake up." I whispered, as I kissed her head.

Shay whispered something to her, as he did the same thing.

"Shay I hope she wakes up soon." I said. He hugged me, and kissed the top of my head.

"So do I."


It was three hours later, and we were still here. Shay was updating the fans, and the family on what had happened. But I could look at my phone.

All I could look at was Bella.

My daughter.

Even if she didn't know it yet, she would always be my daughter.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a small voice.

"Shay? Colette?" The small voice said.

Instantly, I looked at Shay and he looked at me. I felt myself smile, as I my baby girl was awake. I went to her side, as I hugged her.

"Oh Bella, your awake!" I said, as I kissed her head.

"She's awake!" Shay yelled, as he hugged Bella.

"Honey how do you feel?" I asked.

"Does your head hurt?" I asked.

"Colette give her a chance to answer." Shay said.

"Honey, talk to us please." I said.

"Shay, Colette! Help!" She franticly screamed.

"What's wrong?" We asked.

But what she said made me want to fall on the floor and cry.

"I can't hear!"


So Bella can't here.

Don't think she was gonna be perfectly fine, lol.

I am evil.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed it, and bye!

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