Unseen piercing

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Okay so luke would be on tour, and he would be making a twit cam or anything that involves him in a camera, or maybe he would have gotten the piercing, and as soon as it healed, he would take a picture and totally dm it to you and you would be like OMFG YAS and he would love it you would love it, the FAM WOULD LOVE IT it would be amazing. So can you guess what his would be?

A tongue piercing! I can totally see it on him. They say it does'nt hurt when you pierce it, but afterwards its hell.

I totally want one tho.

Imagine all the things you guys would do with that piercing.

Kissing, yes
Of course oral

What else besides those two matter?? XDD

Anywho, i can tots imagine him being so excited to show you and when you saw it you wouldn't believe it, and the fans would fucking FLIP and the smut population would increase by A MILLION and ugh just yes. Please.

Luke. Get a tongue piercing.

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