Red Pendulum Locket

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Valarie was very upset that day, she spent the entire day in a bad mood. Isaac kept on calling and texting, hoping to get a chance to explain himself but she ignored. Fed up of hearing her phone ring and seeing 23 unseen messages, she decided to shut her phone down. She ate little that day and went to bed early but couldnt sleep peacefully either.

She woke up that night, her room was pitch black and she wasnt really conscious when she saw two red orbs glowing in the darkness. Her heart raced with fear and nervousness, no way her house could be haunted, it never was, she tried to relieve herself. She forced her eyes shut and tried not to think about it. Eventually she fell back to sleep and forced herself to believe that it was all a dream. What she did not know was that someone was watching her with a smirk on his face.

The next day was off; saturday, she woke up late and relaxed herself. She decided to take a walk in the park. She tried her best to cheer herself up and not think of yesterdays events. It was a nice cloudy day. She got some icecream and went to the small park where a few kids played with a ball. She couldnt find an empty bench so she stood in a corner while eating the icecream. 

Suddenly, one of the kids kicked the ball hard and it went flying towards her but she did not know it. It was going to hit her in the head but a boy passing from beside her saw the ball coming. He grabbed her shoulders and carefully pushed her aside and the ball flew past them. Sadly her icecream slipped out of her hands and fell.

It all happened so fast that for a while Valarie just stood there staring at the stranger. He had jet-black hair, brown eyes and stunning look. He then was a gorgeous smile, and said, "That ball could have knocked you over, why do kids play with such big basket balls? oh," he then whispered when he noticed that there was no longer an icecream cone in her hand. "Sorry about that, here i'll get you a knew one."

"No, its ok..."

"it isnt, you cant deny ice cream, come i'll get you one."

"No you dont need to," Valarie tried to stop him but he ignored and got her new one. "i cant take it, you eat it..."

"just please eat it, you'll make me feel a lot better, please," his voice was so magical to her that she had to accept it.

"wow, you are kind," she said 

"I am only when i have to be" he whispered, it wasnt meant for her to hear but she heard it anyways. then he said, "so may i know your name?"


"Nice name and i am Ian" he smiled and she smiled back. A few moments passed in awkward silance but then she noticed a pretty locket he wore. It had a red sperical gem on it. it was matching his jacket. it looked like the sphere was a marble ball, like those kids like to collect but she had never seen a red one before, it was beautiful. He noticed her staring at it and said "You like the red pendulum?"

"its pretty,"

"it's a rare gem, you wanna look." she only gave a nervous smile and he took it off his neck and handed to her. She looked at it, the gem wasnt just an amazing shade of red, it had streaks of black and brown in it too. it was transluscent and it looked so shiny and new. as she observed, Ian's phone rang and he went away to talk on it. then after he was done calling he shouted from wher he was, "it was nice meeting you Valarie, i gotta rush, bye," he dashed away as he finished his sentence.

"but wait Ian, you forgot your locket" she called after him but he was already gone.

Who was that mystery guy? wat do you think of him? any guesses on who's the good guy and who;s the bad? vote and comment?

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