Chapter 6

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Keaton's POV

I still can't get over how great that kiss was. Our lips moved together and I swear I heard fireworks in my head. I hope it was the same way for her. I want to call her right now but it's only been like.. 15 minutes since I dropped her off. I don't want to seem desperate. Does this mean we are going out? I'm so confused right now.

I walk through the door to see Wesley and Drew standing there waiting for me.

"How did it go?" Drew asks me with a wink.

"Does my little brother have a girlfriend now?" Wesley says playfully punching my arm.

"Well, not yet. I was thinking about asking her tonight... but then a bowling ball landed on my foot and...." I drifted off.

"Dude, get over to that girl's house now and ask her to be your girlfriend!" Wesley almost screams.

"Yeah man, like that prince charming shit.  Throw rocks at her window and then ask her to be your girlfriend. She can't say no to that." Drew adds in.

Surprisingly, I kind of like their suggestions. "Alright" I say. "I'll be back later tonight." I grab my jacket and hear Wes and Drew cheering as I close the door behind me.

I told Valerie I was going to call her tonight, and when is better than to tell her to come outside. This really is perfect because her room has a balcony leading outside; right above the pool.

Wait, what am I doing? I'm just going to show up at her house and ask her to be my girlfriend? I should've gotten flowers or brought a picnic basket or... I'm at her house. It's only like 6pm so I could still ask her to see the sunset with me. That's romantic right?

I pick up my phone and dial her number.

"Hello?" She responds.

"Hey, Val. It's me. Told you I'd call you tonight."

"I remember. So what's up?"

I picked a few flowers outside of her house and walked to the back. I was right outside of her room, but her shades were down so I couldn't see inside. Which was good, I guess.

"Are you home right now?" I asked. Stupid question. I dropped her off at home just a little while ago. Where else would she be?

"Umm yeah. Why?" She askes, kind of weirded out.

"Look outside your window." This is so scary for me. Either she is going to think this is really romantic, or that I'm a total creep. Even though we only met like 3 days ago, I feel like we have known eachother forever.

Valerie's POV

"Look outside your window." he says.

Is he outside my house? I don't know whether to be flattered or creeped out. I guess it is kind of sweet. Oh, who am I kidding, this is the sweetest thing ever. I peel back the curtain of the window and see Keaton standing there with some flowers in his hand... are those flowers from my garden?? Oh,who cares.

I hang up the phone and open up the door. I step outside onto the balcony.

"Hi." I say quietly.

"Hey" He responds. He is such a sweetheart.

"What are you doing here?" I ask. He just dropped me off, and he's already back. Maybe he liked the kiss just as much as I did!

"Come down? I wanted to ask you something."

What is he going to ask me? "One second." I say back to him as I close the door and run downstairs. I open the door and see him standing there.

He looks so nice dressed like:  

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