Chapter 21

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Valerie's POV

The other night made me so confused. I told myself that I wasn't in love with Wesley, yet here I am dreaming about him. What is wrong with me. I'm more confused now than ever. I walk to Drew's room and knock on his door.

"Come in." I hear him shout from the other side of the door.

"Hey Drew. Can I talk to you for a minute."

"You can always talk to me Val. What's up?" He says and pats his bed.

"You know how I said I knew who I loved? And I said I chose Keaton but-"

"But now you're having second thoughts about Wes." He said in more of a statement than question.

"More like dreams." I mumbled under my breath, hoping he wouldn't hear. But he did. He always does.

"You dreamt about Wes last night?" He asks me shocked.

"Yeah." I said ashamed. I tilted my head down so he couldn't see my face. " I had such a great time with Keaton but in my dream I was married to Wes. I finally picked one, I was so relaxed, and now I had that stupid dream and ughh!" I slam my head into my hands in frustration.

Keaton's POV

"I had such a great time with Keaton but in my dream I was married to Wes. I finally picked one, I was so relaxed, and now I had that stupid dream and ughh!" I heard Valerie say in frustration. She had a dream she was married to Wes? Does he know about this? He's doing it. He's stealing her away from me.

I open the door and Drew and Valerie's eyes look straight at me like a deer caught in headlights. "You like Wesley?!" I whisper shout at her.

"No. Keaton, it's not what it sounds like. I know it sounds bad but just let me explain!" She looked like she was about to cry.

"You told me you were going to take a nap, and then I come up here to hear that you like my brother?" I know I should be letting her explain herself but I'm just so aggravated right now that I can't. Plus, she never actually said she liked him; only that she had a dream about him. Why am I getting so worked up about this?

"Keaton please."

"Save it Valerie. I think we may need to take a break. Let you get your head together on who you think you want to be with." It killed me to say that but somehow it just came out. I could see the tears spill in her eyes and I swore I heard a heart break. I don't know if it was mine or hers but I heard it. I don't know why I was saying this. My brain and heart kept telling me to let her explain and to wrap her in my arms right now and kiss her but my mouth was saying otherwise.

"You told me last night. You said that you would never break up with me." She shouts with a scratchy voice. Her eyes are red and puffy. I couldn't look at her. Not knowing that I was the reason for her being like this. But I had to say it.

"That's before I knew you could ever make me feel this way." I say softly. I walk out of the room and make my way down the stairs. I can feel tears in my eyes too. I just broke up with the best thing that has ever happened to me. I didn't even let her explain herself. What did I just do?

"Valerie wait!" I hear Drew yell as I feel someone run past me pushing me to the wall. Valerie. She runs outside and I hear car horns beeping. A high pitched scream shatters my eardrums. No. Valerie!?

Valerie's POV

The way he looked at me. He made me feel like I was a monster. I felt like one. I felt awful. He won't even let me explain myself; though I wouldn't really know what to say. Drew tried getting me to talk to him, but I wasn't really listening. I run out of the door and sprint down the stairs.

"Valerie!" I hear Drew yell as I push past Keaton. I can't stand to be in the same house as him right now. It kills me knowing that he hates me. That he sees me as a cheater; if that is what he thinks. He probably thinks that I never loved him. I can barely see through my eyes with all the tears that are making my vision blurry. Somehow I manage to open the door and I sprint out of the house and onto the street.

I didn't see the car coming. I heard a horn go off and by the time I saw it, I was too late. I heard the screech of the tire as it tried to stop but all I was able to do was let out a murderous scream. I felt my rib come in contact with the front of the car and I felt like a thousand knives were being shoved into my side. My eyes were getting heavy as I took one last look at what had just happened to me. The last thing I saw was his face. Wesley's. The person who just hit me.

Then, everything just went black.

What do you guys think is going to happen? Would love to hear your ideas.

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